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GB 2014 WS-01-BUS-MM/1/13 · Item · 1672
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

The Institution, laws, and ceremonies of the most noble order of the Garter: work furnished with variety of matter, relating to honor and noblesse.

By Elias Ashmole
Published London, 1672

Elias Ashmole was one of the founding members of the Royal Society, a collector and antiquary. He produced the history of the Order of the Garter, during his appointment to the College of Arms as Windsor Herald in 1660.
This printed book contains lavish illustrations by Wenceslaus Hollar.

Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692
GB 2014 WS-01-BUS-MM/1/12 · Item · 1640
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Matthaei Paris Monachi Albanensis, Angli, Historia Major
Published in London 1640.

Matthew Paris Monk of St Albans (c. 1200-1259) wrote several chronicles of the history of England over numerous decades.

This volume was originally owned by Thomas Aymot FRS/ FSA, and eventually donated to the school by R. Walker (OW). The rare book was rebound before acquiring it, by the Newcastle Upon Tyne university library in 1961. A page of Cranmer's Great Bible (parts of St. John's Gospel, chapters 2 and 3) was found inside the front cover of this volume which remains in place with a photocopy attached to the fly leaf.

Paris, Matthew, 1200-1259
GB 2014 WS-01-BUS-MM/1/11 · Item · 1660
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans Government unto the Death of King James.
By Sir R. Baker, Knight.

Containing all passages of state and church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle.
This Third Edition includes content on the Reign of King Charles I, with a continuation of the chronicle to the end of the year 1708. Contains a full narrative of the affairs of England, Scotland and Ireland, more especially relating unto the transactions of Charles on January 1st 1650.

Published in London, 1660.

Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645
GB 2014 WS-01-BUS-MM/1/10 · Item · 1686
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

The History of the Holy War
Lewis Maimbourg, Translated by Dr. John Nalson

Being an Exact Account of the Expeditions of the Kings of England and France, and several other of the Christian Princes, for the Conquest of Jerusalem, and the rest of the Holy Land.

Published in London, 1686.

Repaired and Re-bound: S.A. Stewart, 1991.

Maimbourg, Louis, 1610-1686
GB 2014 WS-01-BUS-MM/1/8 · Item · 1655
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Archbishop John Spotswood, The History of the Church of Scotland, Beginning the Year of our Lord A.D. 203, and continued to the end of the reign of James VI.

Content includes:
The Progress of Christianity
The Persecutions and Interruptions of it
The Foundations of Churches
The Erecting of Bishoprics
The Building and Endowing Monasteries and other Religious Places
The Succession of Bishops in their sees
The Reformation of Religion and the frequent disturbances of that Nation, by Wars, Conspiracies, tumults, schisms.

Published in London, 1655.

Spotswood, John, 1565-1639