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View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages : In three volumes. By Henry Hallam. Volume 2.
View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages : In three volumes. By Henry Hallam. Volume 2.
Familiar letters from Italy, to a friend in England. Volume 1.
Familiar letters from Italy, to a friend in England. Volume 1.
A discourse concerning western planting / written in the year 1584 by Richard Hakluyt ; now first printed from a contemporary manuscript, with a preface and an introduction by Leonard Woods, ed., with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deane
A discourse concerning western planting / written in the year 1584 by Richard Hakluyt ; now first printed from a contemporary manuscript, with a preface and an introduction by Leonard Woods, ed., with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deane
A sermon preached on the last Sunday in June, 1740
A sermon preached on the last Sunday in June, 1740
Speeches upon the Roman Catholic claims : delivered in Parliament, by Charles Lord Colchester, in the Commons when speaker, and subsequently in the House of Peers : with preliminary observations upon the present state of the Roman Catholic question.
Speeches upon the Roman Catholic claims : delivered in Parliament, by Charles Lord Colchester, in the Commons when speaker, and subsequently in the House of Peers : with preliminary observations upon the present state of the Roman Catholic question.
Four Comedies of Terence, translated, and the stage management and mode of acting them set down, as they were acted at Westminster School; and also the other two comedies of Terence, the Heautontimorumenos and the Hecyra, translated ... By G. S. Cotter.
Four Comedies of Terence, translated, and the stage management and mode of acting them set down, as they were acted at Westminster School; and also the other two comedies of Terence, the Heautontimorumenos and the Hecyra, translated ... By G. S. Cotter.
Coopers Hill translated into Latine
Coopers Hill translated into Latine
Votiva, sive ad serenissimum, potentissimumque Iacobum, magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae Regem, &c. De auspicato illustrissimi Caroli, Walliae Principis, &c. in Regiam Hispanicam aduentu, pia & humilis Oxoniensium gratulatio
Votiva, sive ad serenissimum, potentissimumque Iacobum, magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae Regem, &c. De auspicato illustrissimi Caroli, Walliae Principis, &c. in Regiam Hispanicam aduentu, pia & humilis Oxoniensium gratulatio
The true mark of the beast: or The present degeneracy of the Church of Rome from the faith once delivered to the Saints : A sermon on November 5. 1681
The true mark of the beast: or The present degeneracy of the Church of Rome from the faith once delivered to the Saints : A sermon on November 5. 1681
A pastoral letter addressed to the clergy and laity of his province
A pastoral letter addressed to the clergy and laity of his province