Purchased by Eddie Smith and is owned by the Common Room at Westminster School. The trophy is given to the winners of the croquet match between the School and Westminster Abbey and is kept by the winners for a year. The inscriptions are: 'Collegium Westmonasteriensium Victores Lusionis Malleipilaris Intracollegiatae ex dono Sanctuarii Curatoris 2006' and '2006 Abbatia', '2007 Schola', '2008 Abbatia', '2009 Schola'. The School retained the trophy in 2010 but, at time of cataloguing (12 October 2010), this had yet to be engraved.
Football Seniors Challenge Cup. Cover. Not loaded. Mounted [black base] Awarded 1960 - 1974. Makers Mark reads J.S.
J.S. Stevenson & LawThe Peter Holmes Trophy. Not loaded. No cover. On the base: WRSC [Westminster School Rowing Club]. NB differs from description provided in Sotheby's valuation, see p. 6
Manoah Rhodes & Sons LtdNot loaded. No cover. Inscription: "Westminster School 1938 O.W.W. 1st"
Mappin & Webb LtdInscription: 'Westminster School Putting the Weight Cup'. Not loaded. No cover. Black plastic plinth. Awarded: 1932-1974
Mappin & Webb LtdTwo handled cup on high stand; Inscribed: School Arms "presented by J.D.C., E.C.N.E., C.H.F.,J.R.T., M.F.Y., 1939" Awarded 1939-1974. Reassigned as the Girls Athletics Cup in 2008.
Mappin & Webb LtdInscription: 'Westminster School Tennis Plate'. Engraved with foliate pattern and the names of the winning houses 2003-2004.
VinersTwo handled cup. Inscription: '100 Yards Under 16'. Not loaded. No cover. Awarded: 1931-1974.
Mappin & Webb LtdInscription: 'Westminster School Putting the Weight Cup Under 16'. Not loaded. No cover. Black plastic plinth. Awarded: 1957-1973.
Mappin & Webb LtdA pair of Edward VII silver salt cellars, Four feet, blue glass liners [one liner chipped in several places.] No cover. Paired with spoons [T0001.072]
William Hutton & Sons Ltd