15 small shields, 1 central plaque (school crest) and a small presentation plaque inscribed: 'Presented by the Elizabethan Club 1887'. Awarded: 1887-1901. Several shields need re fixing.
Hancock, Charles Frederick, 1807-189111 small shields + 1 plaque on a wooden support. Central part (presumably with school crest) missing. Awarded: 1876-1886. Split.
3 plaques (1 school crest, 1 presentation plaque) + 11 small shields on a wooden round support. Centrepiece to be fixed. Presented by E. Ryde Esq. June 1880. Awarded: 1880-1890.
2 plaques, 26 small shields and 1 big shield (School Crest). Awarded: 1935-1964. Plaque at tip and 2 shields missing. Maker's mark obscured.
3 plaques (1 school crest) and 14 small shields on a wooden support. Awarded: 1921-1934. Damage to plaque at tip and 2 shields missing. Presented by the Rev. G.H. Nall 1922. Some loose elements stored separately.
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd14 small raised shields on a silver plaque. Presented by the Elizabethan Club 1906. Awarded: 1906-1920
Hancocks & Co15 small silver shields & 3 silver plaques (1 school crest, 1 presentation: A.T. Willett (OW) 1922'. Awarded: 1922-1935. Damage to plaque at point of shield. Needs refixing. Missing 1 large silver shield. Some loose elements stored separately.
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd15 small raised shields on silver plaque with school crest in the middle. Awarded: 1891-1905. Lower plaque loose.
William Gibson & John LangmanCup with two ornate handles and shaped border.
Walker & HallUnder pair oars Tankard. Pewter with glass bottom. Handle. Inscription: 'Under pair oars Election July 1857/Bow: H. M. Marshall/Stroke: G.Upperton/Cox: H.B.Harrison' & School Crest.