Westminster School has 11 houses at present, 6 of which have boarding facilities. Many of the houses have created records documenting their activities which are catalogued here. This series also contains the records of the Town Boys - not strictly a house - but the name given to pupils who were not scholars and who therefore shared a group identity.
Westminster SchoolCover reads '1867-1870'. Most entries consist of pasted newspaper clippings, some are handwritten. Covers the following dates: 1848, 1856, 1864, 1866-1879.
Westminster SchoolProgramme for performance of Andria. Gives a synopsis of the plot of the play and also gives an obituary list of school alumni. A list of cast members is on the front page.
Westminster SchoolContains scoring for school matches from 1910 to 1922.
Westminster SchoolContains scoring for school matches played by the 1st XI in 1924.
Westminster SchoolGradidge' Scoring Book. Contains scoring for school matches from 1923 to 1924.
Westminster SchoolWritten retrospectively in 1929
Westminster School