Iratdarab - 2007- Order of Service for the Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Dr John Rae 2007

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2007- Order of Service for the Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Dr John Rae 2007


  • 19/04/2007 (Keletkezés)

Leírási szint


Terjedelem, adathordozók

1 booklet; 2 copies

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Iratképző neve



Barnard & Westwood was founded by Albert Reginald Barnard, a First World War survivor who suffered injuries during the fighting which prevented him from working underground in his previous trade as a hotel printer. Faced with the loss of his livelihood, Albert approached his Aunt, Miss Westwood, for financial backing. A schoolteacher and noted Suffragette who contributed numerous articles to the press. Miss Westwood lent Albert the money he needed and Barnard & Westwood was born,
In recognition of producing consistent high-quality work for the Royal Household at Buckingham Palace, the company was granted a Royal Warrant by appointment to Her Majesty The Queen for Printing and Bookbinding.

A megőrzés története

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Tárgy és tartalom

Order of Service for the Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Dr John Rae (1931-1986), Head, Master of Westminster School (1970-1986), held in Westminster Abbey, April 19th 2007.

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