Affichage de 38 résultats

Notice d'autorité
Wingfield, John, ca. 1760-1825
GB-2014-WSA-18441 · Personne · ca. 1760-1825

WINGFIELD, JOHN, brother of William Wingfield (qv); b.; adm. 5 Feb 1770; KS (aged 13) 1773; Capt. of the School 1777; elected head to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1778, adm. pens. 17 Jun 1778, scholar 23 Apr 1779, matr. 1780; BA 1782; MA 1785; BD 1794; DD 1799; Minor Fellow, Trinity Coll. 2 Oct 1783, Major Fellow 6 Jul 1785; an Usher at the School 1781-8, Under Master 1788-1802, Head Master 13 Sep – Dec 1802; ordained; Prebendary of Worcester from 27 Jan 1803; Perpetual Curate of Putney, Surrey Jan – Dec 1804; Vicar of Kempsey, Worcs., 27 Nov 1804-15; Rector of Easton, Hampshire 29 Nov 1804; Prebendary of York from 27 Sep 1812; Rector of Whitbourne, Herefs., from 14 Sep 1815; Vicar of Bromsgrove, Worcs., from 27 Oct 1815; m. 8 Sep 1803 Mary, eldest dau. of Rev. Thomas James DD, Head Master, Rugby Sch.; d. 9 Dec 1825.

Wilson, John, ca. 1586-1635
GB-2014-WSA-18387 · Personne · ca. 1786-1635

WILSON, JOHN, of Middlesex; b.; adm.; QS; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1602, matr. 5 Nov 1602, aged 16, Westminster Student to 1612; BA 1606; MA 1609; DD 1619; adm. Gray’s Inn 2 Feb 1612/3; a joint patent of the Head Mastership of the School was granted to Richard Ireland (qv) and himself 25 Jan 1609/10; on Ireland’s escape to France a few months later he became Head Master; a joint patent of the Head Mastership was granted to him and to Lambert Osbaldeston (qv) 7 Dec 1621, Osbaldeston succeeding him as Head Master in 1622; ordained; Rector of Bedale, Yorks., from 8 Aug 1621; Vicar of Burneston, Yorks., 1 Jul 1622-34; Rector of St. Mary, Castlegate, York 1625; Prebendary of Westminster Oct 1623 – res 1635, of Ripon 14 Aug 1623 and of Lincoln from 3 Mar 1629/30; Dean of Ripon from 1624; Master of the Savoy; lic. to m. 22 Apr 1616 Johanna, dau. of William Stanlake, King Street, Westminster, grocer; d. 19 Feb 1634/5.

Williamson, Richard, 1802-1865
GB-2014-WSA-18296 · Personne · 1802-1865

WILLIAMSON, RICHARD, second son of Edmond Williamson (adm. 1773, qv); b. 25 Nov 1802; adm. 7 Jun 1814; left 1819; Trinity Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 16 Jun 1820, scholar 1823; 9th Wrangler and 5th Classic 1825; Second Chancellor’s Classical medal 1825; 1st Members Prize (Bachelors) 1827; BA 1825; MA 1828; DD 1835; Fellow, Trinity Coll. 1827; ordained deacon 1828, priest 1829 (both Ely); Head Master of the School 22 Sep 1828 – Aug 1846; Rector of Sutton Coldfield, Warwicks., 1844-50; Vicar of Pershore, Worcs., from 1850; Hon. Canon, Worcester 1851; m. 4 Jan 1833 Anne, sister of John Edward Gray (qv); d. 11 Sep 1865.

Williams, -, fl. 1561
GB-2014-WSA-19646 · Personne · fl. 1561

Head Master of Westminster School, 1561.

Vincent, William, 1739-1815
GB-2014-WSA-00013 · Personne · 1739-1815

VINCENT, WILLIAM, fifth surviving son of Giles Vincent, Lime Street Ward, London, packer and Portugal merchant, and Sarah, dau. of Francis Holloway, Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire; nephew of Richard Vincent (QS 1708, qv); b. 2 Nov 1739; adm. Sep 1748 (Hutton's); KS 1753; elected to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1757, adm. pens. 9 Jun 1757, scholar 21 Apr 1758, matr. 1758; BA 1761; MA 1764; BD and DD 1776; Usher at the School 1762-71, Under Master 28 May 1771-88, Head Master 1788-1802; ordained deacon (Norwich, lit. dim. from Rochester) 19 Dec 1763, priest (London) 22 Sep 1765; Vicar of Longdon, Worcs., 1778; Rector of All Hallows the Great, London 17 Dec 1778-1803; Chaplain in Ordinary to George III (occurs 1778-93), Sub-Almoner 28 Nov 1783 - Feb 1808; Dean of Westminster from 7 Aug 1802; Prolocutor, Lower House of Convocation 1802, 1806, 1807; Rector of St. John’s, Westminster 28 May 1803 - Jan 1807; Rector of Islip, Oxfordshire, from 31 Jan 1807; one of the soundest scholars of his day, although he resembled Busby in his love for the rod; when Dean of Westminster obtained an annual grant from Parliament for the restoration of Henry VII’s Chapel; his name is perpetuated by Vincent Square, preserved through his influence as playing fields for the School; Busby Trustee 22 Apr 1790; author, Defence of Public Education, 1801, and of a number of highly regarded works on ancient geography and other subjects; m. 15 Aug 1771 Hannah, fourth dau. of George Wyatt, Chief Clerk of Vote Office, House of Commons; d. 21 Dec 1815. Buried St. Benedict’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey (monument facing Poets’ Corner, with inscription composed by himself). DNB.

Udall, Nicholas, c.1504-1556
GB-2014-WSA-19645 · Personne · c.1504-1556

Of Hampshire ; b. c.1504 (aged 12 at Christmas 1516, when described as of parish St.Cross, Southampton) ; ed.Winchester Coll., scholar 1517, and Corpus Christi Coll.Oxford, scholar 18 Jun 1520 ; BA 1524 ; MA 1534 ; Probationer Fellow, Corpus Christi Coll. 30 May 1524 (still lecturer there 1526-8) ; by 1533 probably usher at school attached to St.Anthony’s Hospital, London ; Head Master, Eton Coll. Midsummer 1534 – Mar 1540/1, when he was committed to the Marshalsea Prison and dismissed for misconduct with a pupil ; when at Eton acquired the reputation of being “the greatest beater of his time” ; ordained ; Vicar of Braintree, Essex 27 Sep 1537- Dec 1544 ; Canon of Windsor 14 Dec 1551 – Jun 1554 ; Rector of Calborne, Isle of Wight 26 Mar 1553-4 ; Head Master, Westminster School, from Dec 1555 ; author, Ralph Roister Doister, 1566 (the first English comedy), and other works ; buried unm. St.Margaret, Westminster 23 Dec 1556 (as Nicholas Yevedale). ODNB.

Spurr, (Michael) Stephen, 1953-present
GB-2014-WSA-19650 · Personne · 1953-present

Son of Arthur Michael Marshall Spurr and Patricia Ann Newall; b. 9 Oct. 1953; ed. The King’s Sch., Canterbury, Sydney Grammar Sch., Univ. of Sydney, BA 1975; Corpus Christi Coll. Oxf.; DPhil 1984; head of classics and house master Eton 1984-2000; Head Master Clifton Coll. 2000-5; succeeded as Head Master of the School Aug. 2005; group education dir. Inspired 2014-; m. 1982 Susanna Armani.

Smith, Samuel, 1731-1808
GB-2014-WSA-00025 · Personne · 1731-1808

SMITH, SAMUEL, son of Samuel Smith, Compton Street, London, merchant, and Christian, dau. of Rev. Edward Pain, Winchester; b. 17 Jul 1731; adm. (aged 12) Jul 1744; KS 1746; elected to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1750, adm. pens. 14 Jun 1750, scholar 26 Apr 1751, matr. 1751; BA 1754; MA 1757; LLD 1764; Minor Fellow, Trinity Coll. 2 Oct 1756, Major Fellow 6 Jul 1757; ordained deacon 21 Sep 1755, priest 21 Dec 1755 (both Ely); Head Master of the School Jun 1764 -–88; Rector of Walpole St. Andrew, Norfolk, from 1762; Rector of Dry Drayton, Cambs., from 1785; Prebendary of Westminster from 29 Mar 1787, and of Peterborough from 28 Sep 1787; Busby Trustee 10 Apr 1766; m. 1st, 27 Aug 1764 Ann, dau. of John Jackson, King Street, Westminster; m. 2nd, 9 May 1791 Susanna, sister of Thomas Pettingal (qv); m. 3rd, 19 Jun 1794 Ann Pinckney, Cathedral Precinct, Peterborough, Northants; d. 23 Mar 1808. Buried North Aisle, Westminster Abbey.

Scott, Charles Broderick, 1825-1894
GB-2014-WSA-00009 · Personne · 1825-1894

Son of James Smyth Scott QC (I), Dublin, Ireland, barrister, and Louisa, dau. of Hon. and Most Rev.Charles Brodrick DD, Archbishop of Cashel ; b. 18 Jan 1825 ; ed. Eton and Trinity Coll.Cambridge, adm.pens. 30 Sep 1842, matr.Mich.1844, scholar 1846 ; Pitt University Scholar 1847 ; Senior Classic, Senior Chancellor’s Medallist and 22nd Wrangler 1848 ; BA 1848 ; Le Bas Prize 1849 ; Member’s Prize 1850 ; MA 1851 ; BD 1860 ; DD 1867 ; Fellow, Trinity Coll. 1849-55 ; adm. Inner Temple 18 Nov 1848 ; ordained deacon 1854 (Ely), priest 1856 (Worcester) ; Head Master, Westminster School Sep 1855 – Aug 1883 ; Prebendary of St.Paul’s from 12 Feb 1873 ; Hon.Student, Christ Church, Oxford 1875 ; author, A letter to the Rt.Hon.Sir David Dundas on the position and prospects of Westminster School, 1861 (pamphlet) ; m. 19 Dec 1855 Susan Georgiana, youngest dau. of Edward Smyth, Norwich, banker (“a cold, austere, very cultivated woman”, Ethel Smyth, As Time went on, 110) ; d. 7 Dec 1894.

Rutherford, William Gunion, 1853-1907
GB-2014-WSA-00021 · Personne · 1853-1907

Second son of the Rev. Robert Rutherford, Minister of the United Presbyterian Church at Mountain Cross, Peeblesshire, by Agnes, daughter of William Gunion, a Glasgow merchant; born July 17, 1853; educated at Glasgow High School, St. Andrew's Univ., and Ball. Coll. Oxon., where he graduated B.A. 1877, M.A. 1880; 1st class Classics (Mods.) 1874; 2nd class Nat. Sci. 1876; a Classical master at St. Paul's School 1876-83; elected Fellow and Praelector of Univ. Coll. Oxon. June 1883; appointed by the Governing Body as Scott's successor June 1883; ordained Sept. 23, 1883; installed Head Master up School Sept 17, 1883; resigned on account of ill health July 1901; a Greek scholar of European reputation; LL.D. (St. Andrew's) 1885; author of 'The New Phrynichus' (1881), an edition of the 'Fables of Babricus' (1883), and other works; married Jan. 3, 1884, Constance Gordon, daughter of John Thomson Renton, of Bradston Brooke, Surrey; died July 19, 1907. ODNB.