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People & Organisations
Lyttelton, Oliver, 1893-1972
GB-2014-WSA-11542 · Person · 1893-1972

Lyttelton, Oliver, Viscount Chandos of Aldershot, only son of the Right Hon. Alfred Lyttelton, M. P., sometime Secretary of State for the Colonies, by his second wife, Edith Sophy, daughter of Archibald Balfour (q.v.); b. March 15, 1893; adm. Sept. 22, 1904 (R); left Easter 1906 and went to Eton; Trin. Coll. Camb., matric. Michaelmas 1912; Lieut. Grenadier Guards July 15, 1915; temp. Capt. Oct. 18, 1915; served in Great War I; mentioned in despatches L. G. Jan. 4 and Dec. 11, 1917; D.S.O., Oct. 20, 1916; M.C. July 26, 1918; played golf for Cambridge 1913; M. P. Aldershot 1940-54; Controller of Non-Ferrous Metals 1939-40; P. C. 1940; President of the Board of Trade 1940-1 and May-July 1945; Minister of State and Member of War Cabinet 1941-2; Minister of Production and Member of War Cabinet 1942-5; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1951-4; created Viscount Chandos of Aldershot Sept. 10, 1954; chairman of Associated Electrical Insudtries Ltd. 1945-51 and since 1954; m. Jan. 30, 1920, Lady Moira Godolphin Osborne, fourth daughter of George, 10th Duke of Leeds; d. 21 Jan. 1972.

GB-2014-WSA-02998 · Person · 1875-1961

Bell, William Cory Heward, son of William Heward Bell, of Seend, Wilts, by Hannah, eldest daughter of W. Cory, of London; b. Oct. 21, 1875; adm. as Q.S. Sept. 1889; left Jan. 1893; R.M.A. Woolwich Aug. 1893; 2nd Lieut. R. A. Nov. 2, 1895; Lieut. Nov. 2, 1898; Capt. Nov. 19, 1901; served in the South African War 1902; retired on half-pay Aug. 23, 1911; rejoined on mobilization Aug. 3, 1914, and in Nov. following went out to the western front, where he served with the Artillery of the 1st Div. until Jan. 1919; Major Nov. 16, 1915; Lieut.-Col. Dec. 22, 1917, placed in Reserve of Officers Dec. 29, 1918; mentioned in despatches L. G. Jan. 1, 1916, and Jan. 4, 1917; D.S.O. Jan. 1917; Croix de Guerre 1918; M. P. Wilts (Devizes) Dec. 1918 - Nov. 1923; High Sheriff of Wilts 1932; D. L. Wilts 1952; m. 1903, Violet Mary, daughter of Capt. James Devereux Bowley, R.E.; d. Feb. 25, 1961.

GB-2014-WSA-00908 · Person · 1799-1881

LENNOX, LORD WILLIAM PITT, brother of Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5th Duke of Richmond (qv); b. 20 Sep 1799; adm. 18 Jul 1808; gazetted Cornet, Royal Horse Guards 13 May 1813, while still at school; left 1813; attaché to Duke of Wellington on embassy to Paris 8 Aug 1814; Lieut., 3 Nov 1814; on Sir Peregrine Maitland’s staff 1815; present at his mother’s memorable ball on eve of battle of Waterloo; ADC to Duke of Wellington 1815-8; Capt., 22 Mar 1822; retd. 25 Mar 1829; MP (Whig) King’s Lynn 1831-4; devoted to horse racing and private theatricals; contributor to periodicals; author, Percy Hamilton, or the Adventures of a Westminster Boy, 1851, and other novels and volumes of recollections, containing allusions to his school career; m. 1st, 7 May 1824 (div. 1831) Mary Anne Paton, singer, eldest dau. of George Paton, The High School, Edinburgh; m. 2nd, 1854 Ellen, dau. of John Smith; m. 3rd, 17 Nov 1863 Maria Jane, eldest dau. of Rev. Capel Molyneux, Vicar of St. Paul’s, Onslow Square, Kensington; d. 18 Feb 1881. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-03187 · Person · 1741-1790

BERTIE, HON. PEREGRINE FRANCIS, brother of Willoughby Bertie, 4th Earl of Abingdon (qv); b. 13 Mar 1741; adm. (aged 9) Sep 1750 (Porten's); in school list 1754; entered Royal Navy; Lieut., 17 Dec 1759; Cdr., 1 Jan 1762; Capt., 6 Nov 1762, commanding HMS Shannon; travelling in Italy 1765; MP Oxford from 1774; m. 7 May 1790 Elizabeth, dau. of William Hutchins, Yattendon, Berks.; d. 20 Aug 1790.

Hervey, William, 1732-1815
GB-2014-WSA-09140 · Person · 1732-1815

HERVEY, HON. WILLIAM, youngest son of John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey of Ickworth (qv); b. 13 May 1732; adm. Jan 1744/5 (Morel's); left 1747; Corpus Christi Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 8 Feb 1750/1, matr. Lent 1750/1; MA 1753; Ensign, 44th Foot 1755; Lieut., 4 Jul 1755; Capt. 27 Dec 1756; served for some years in North America, returning to England 1763; Capt. -Lieut. and Lieut. -Col., 1st Foot Guards 6 Aug 1766 – 13 Jun 1774; Brevet Col., 29 Aug 1777; Major-Gen., 20 Nov 1782; Lieut. -Gen., 12 Oct 1793; Gen., 1 Jan 1798; MP Bury St Edmunds 24 Feb 1763-8; amiable and benevolent, described by Arthur Young as “one of the most charitable men living”; a great traveller; in Italy 1766, 1772-3 and 1788-90; his Journals in North America and Europe from 1755 to 1814 form vol. xiv of the Suffolk Green Books, 1906; d. unm. 15 Jan 1815.

Hervey, Thomas, 1699-1775
GB-2014-WSA-00768 · Person · 1699-1775

HERVEY, HON. THOMAS, brother of John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey of Ickworth (qv); b. 20 Jan 1698/9; adm. 17 Jan 1711/2; left 25 Mar 1717 (Diary of John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol, 1894); Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 10 May 1717; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 16 Feb 1719/20; MP Bury St. Edmunds 29 Jun 1733-47; Equerry to Queen Caroline 6 Nov 1727 – Jul 1736; Superintendent of the King’s Gardens 23 May 1738-60; eloped about 1730 with the second wife of Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. (qv); author of several eccentric pamphlets mainly about his own grievances; m. Aug 1745 Anne, dau. of Francis Coghlan, barrister (I); d. 16 Jan 1775. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-09134 · Person · 1724-1779

HERVEY, AUGUSTUS JOHN, 3RD EARL OF BRISTOL, second son of John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey of Ickworth (qv); b. 19 May 1724; adm. Jan 1732/3; in school list 1734; entered Royal Navy as midshipman 1736; Lieut., 31 Oct 1740; Commander 16 Sep 1746; Post Capt., 15 Jan 1746/7; served under Byng in Mediterranean 1756, under Hawke in the English Channel 1759 and under Keppel at Belleisle 1760; took part in capture of Martinique, Sta. Lucia and Havana 1762; Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean 1763; Rear-Admiral 31 Mar 1775; Vice-Admiral 29 Jan 1778; a Colonel of Marines 1762-5; MP Bury St. Edmunds 16 May 1757 – Feb 1763, Saltash 1 Dec 1763-8, Bury St. Edmunds 1768 – 18 Mar 1775; Groom of the Bedchamber 5 Nov 1763 – Mar 1775; Chief Secretary for Ireland Oct 1766 – Jul 1767 (his brother being then Lord Lieutenant); Privy Councillor (I) 14 Oct 1766; a Lord of the Admiralty 1771-5; succ. brother as 3rd Earl of Bristol 18 Mar 1775; member, Society of Dilettanti 1760; m. 4 Aug 1744 (divorced 11 Feb 1769) Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Thomas Chudleigh, Lieut. -Governor of Chelsea Hospital; d. 23 Dec 1779. DNB.

Mansel, Bussy, ca. 1701-1750
GB-2014-WSA-11769 · Person · ca. 1701-1750

MANSEL, BUSSY, 3rd BARON MANSEL, third son of Thomas Mansel, 1st Baron Mansel, and Martha, dau. of Francis Millington, Newick Place, Sussex; b.; Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 13 Jul 1717, aged 16; MP Cardiff Boroughs 31 Jan 1727-34, Glamorgan 9 Mar 1737- 26 Nov 1744; of Briton Ferry, Glamorgan; succ. brother as 4th Baron Mansel 26 Nov 1744; m. 1st, 17 May 1724 Lady Elizabeth Hervey, sister of John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey of Ickworth (qv); m. 2nd, 13 Mar 1729 Lady Barbara Villiers, widow of Sir William Blackett, Bart., MP, and dau., of William Villiers, 2nd Earl of Jersey; d. 29 Nov 1750. [Whitmore, “see new slip”, but citing no evidence]]

GB-2014-WSA-00767 · Person · 1696-1743

HERVEY, JOHN, 2nd BARON HERVEY OF ICKWORTH, eldest son of John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol, and his second wife Elizabeth, only dau. of Sir Thomas Felton, Bart. MP; b. 15 Oct 1696; adm. 28 Jan 1711/2; left Jul 1713; Clare Hall, Cambridge, adm. 20 Nov 1713, matr. 1714; MA 1715; styled Lord Hervey from 1723; MP Bury St. Edmunds 2 Apr 1725 – 11 Jun 1733; travelling in Italy for health in 1728-9; Vice-Chamberlain of the Household 7 May 1730 – Apr 1740; Privy Councillor 8 May 1730; having initially been a follower in politics of Frederick, Prince of Wales, he subsequently became a supporter of Sir Robert Walpole and a trusted confidant of Queen Caroline; fought a duel with William Pulteney (qv) in the “Upper St. James’s Park” 25 Jan 1730/1; created Baron Hervey of Ickworth 11 Jun 1733; Lord Privy Seal 1 May 1740 – Jul 1742; one of the Lord Justices of the Realm May 1741; author, Memoirs of the Reign of George II, first published from his manuscript in 1848, and of other political pamphlets; the expenses of his “schooling” at Westminster, and of that of his three brothers, are recorded in the Diary of John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol, 1894; m. 21 Apr 1720 Mary, Maid of Honour to Caroline, Princess of Wales, dau. of Brig. -Gen. Nicholas Lepell, Groom of the Bedchamber to George, Prince of Denmark; d. 5 Aug 1743. DNB.

Freind, John, 1675-1728
GB-2014-WSA-00643 · Person · ca. 1677-1728

FREIND, JOHN, third son of William Freind (elected to Oxford 1656, qv); b.; adm.; KS 1691; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1694, matr. 7 Jul 1694, aged 17, Westminster Student 29 Dec 1694- Apr 1708, Faculty Student 19 Apr 1708 - void on marriage Dec 1709, Tutor 1700-4; BA 1698; MA 1701; MB 1703; MD (by diploma) 12 Jun 1707; delivered a course of lectures on chemistry at Ashmolean Museum 1704; Physician to Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough (qv) when commanding English forces in Spain 1705; travelling in Italy 1706-7; accompanied Duke of Ormonde to Flanders as his physician 1712; Physician-General to Army (Ireland) 1713; MRCP 1713, FRCP 1716, Gulstonian Lecturer 1718, Harveian Orator 1720; MP Launceston 1722 - 17 Mar 1723/4, 29 Mar 1725-7; implicated with Francis Atterbury (KS 1674, qv) in plot for Jacobite restoration, and committed to Tower of London on charge of high treason Mar 1722/3, but released after three months’ imprisonment; Physician to Queen Caroline from 25 Oct 1727; FRS 20 Mar 1711/2; author, The History of Physick, 1725-6, and of other publications; gave £50 towards the building of College Dormitory; m. 3 Dec 1709 Anne, sister of William Morice (qv); d. 26 Jul 1728. Monument in South Aisle, Westminster Abbey. DNB.