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People & Organisations
Hesilrigge, Arthur, d. 1661
GB-2014-WSA-09143 · Person · d. 1661

HESILRIGGE, SIR ARTHUR, BART., eldest son of Sir Thomas Hesilrigge, Bart., and Frances, dau. of Sir William Gorges, Kt, Alderton, Northants; b.; at school under Osbaldeston (Wood, Athenae Oxonienses, iii, 578); Magdalene Coll. Cambridge, fellow commoner, matr. Easter 1617; adm. Gray’s Inn 29 Jan 1622/3; succ. father as 2nd baronet 11 Jan 1629; MP Leicestershire 1640-53 [check], Leicester 1654-60; a staunch Puritan and opponent of Laud; introduced bill of attainder against Strafford; promoted the “Root and branch” bill, and proposed the Militia bill; one of the five members impeached by the King 3 Jan 1641/2; raised a troop of horse for Parliament; fought at battle of Edgehill 1642, wounded at battles of Lansdowne and Roundway Down 1643; did good service at battle of Cheriton; a leader of the Independents in House of Commons after the passing of the self-denying ordinance 1645; Governor of Newcastle upon Tyne 30 Dec 1647; recaptured Tynemouth 11 Aug 1648; refused to act as one of the King’s judges 1649; accompanied Cromwell to Scotland and supported him with reserves after battle of Dunbar; member of Council of State during Commonwealth, but opposed to Cromwell’s government after dissolution of Long Parliament; refused to pay taxes not levied by Parliament, or to become a member of the Upper House 1657; opposed succession of Richard Cromwell, and intrigued with the Army against him; at his instigation Lambert was cashiered and the Rump Parliament restored; one of the five Commissioners for the Government of the Army 11 Feb 1659/60; accused of intriguing against Monk; arrested at the Restoration, and excepted by the Bill of Indemnity for pains and penalties not extending to life; m. 1st, 24 May 1624 Frances, dau. of Thomas Elmes, Lilford, Northants; m. 2nd, 26 Jun 1634 Dorothy, dau. of Fulke Greville, Thorpe Latimer, Lincs., and sister of Robert Greville, 2nd Baron Brooke, General in Parliamentary army; d. a prisoner in the Tower of London 7 Jan 1660/1. DNB.

Cotton, Stapleton, 1773-1865
GB-2014-WSA-05374 · Person · 1773-1865

COTTON, STAPLETON, 1ST VISCOUNT COMBERMERE, second son of Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton, Bart. (qv); b. 14 Nov 1773; adm. 28 Jan 1785; at school four years; 2nd Lieut., 23rd Foot, 26 Feb 1790; 1st Lieut., 13 Apr 1791; Capt., 6th Dragoon Guards, 28 Feb 1793; Maj., 59th Foot, 1794; Lieut. -Col., 25th Light Dragoons, 9 Mar 1794; Brevet Col., 1 Jan 1800; Lieut. -Col., 16th Light Dragoons, 14 Feb 1800; served in Flanders 1793-4, at Cape Town 1795, in campaign against Tippoo Sahib 1799, and in Dublin during Emmett’s insurrection 1800; Brig. -Gen., 11 Feb 1804; Maj. -Gen., 30 Oct 1805; commanded allied cavalry during part of Peninsular War; wounded at Salamanca 1812; Lieut. -Gen., 1 Jan 1812; Col., 20th Light Dragoons, 27 Jan 1813 – Jan 1821 [check]; took part in Pyrenees Campaign, 1813-4; commanded allied cavalry in France, 1815-6; Governor of Barbados 1816-20; Col., 3rd Dragoons, 25 Jan 1821 – Sep 1828; Commander-in-Chief, Ireland, 1822-5; Gen., 27 May 1825; Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, 9 Feb 1825 - 1 Jan 1830; captured city of Bhurtpore, 28 Jan 1826; Col., 1st Life Guards, from 16 Sep 1829; Constable of the Tower (and Lord Lieut., Tower Hamlets) from 11 Oct 1852; Field-Marshal, 2 Oct 1855; MP Newark 1806 - 17 May 1814; succ. father as 6th baronet 24 Aug 1809; KB 21 Aug 1812; created Baron Combermere 17 May 1814, with annuity of £2000 p. a. for two generations; GCB 2 Jan 1815; GCH 1817; Governor of Sheerness 25 Jan 1821 – still 1829; Privy Councillor (I) 21 Nov 1822; created Viscount Combermere 8 Feb 1827; DCL Oxford Univ. 23 Jun 1830; Privy Councillor 16 Dec 1834; KCSI 19 Aug 1861; m. 1st, 1 Jan 1801 Lady Anne Maria Pelham-Clinton, eldest dau. of Thomas Pelham-Clinton, 3rd Duke of Newcastle, Major-Gen. in the Army; m. 2nd, 22 Jun 1814 Caroline, second dau. of Capt. William Fulke Greville RN; m. 3rd, 2 Oct 1838 Mary Woolley, dau. of Thomas Gibbings MD, Gibbings Grove, co. Cork; d. 21 Feb 1865. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-05837 · Person · 1889-1970

Davidson, John Colin Campbell, 1st Viscount Davidson, only son of Sir James Mackenzie Davidson, Kt., M.B., C. M., of London, by Georgiana Barbara Watt, daughter of William Henderson, of Aberdeen; b. Feb. 23, 1889; adm. Jan. 15, 1903 (A); left July 1907; Pembroke Coll. Camb., matric. Michaelmas 1907; B.A. 1910; Private Secretary to several Cabinet Ministers, including the Rt. Hon. A. Bonar Law when Prime Minister, 1910-23; called to the bar at the Middle Temple June 4, 1913; M. P. Herts (Hemel Hempstead Div.) Nov. 1920 - Nov. 1923, and from Oct. 1924; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster June 1923 - Jan. 1924; Financial Secretary to the Admiralty Nov. 1924 - Nov. 1926; Chairman of the Conservative Party organization 1926-30; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1931-7; served in Home Guard in Great War II; Controller of Production, Ministry of Information 1941; C. B. Jan. 1, 1919; C. H. March 25, 1923; P. C. 1928; G. C. V. O. 1935; created a Viscount May 28, 1937; a Governor of the School July 1927; Busby Trustee 1929; president of the Elizabethan Club 1946-49; represented Westminster on Governing Bodies' Assn. 1949-59; m. April 10, 1919, the Hon. Frances Joan, younger daughter of Willoughby, 1st Baron Dickinson; d. 11 Dec. 1970.

GB-2014-WSA-16012 · Person · 1788-1855

SOMERSET, FITZROY JOHN HENRY, 1ST BARON RAGLAN, youngest son of Henry Somerset, 5th Duke of Beaufort (qv); b. 30 Sep 1788; adm. 1 Feb 1802 (Clapham); in school list 1803; Cornet, 4th Light Dragoons 9 Jun 1804; Lieut., 30 May 1805; Capt., 6th Garrison Battn., 5 May 1808; 43rd Foot 18 Aug 1808; Brevet Maj., 9 Jun 1811; Brevet Lieut. -Col., 27 Apr 1812; Capt. and Lieut. -Col., 1st Foot Guards 25 Jul 1814; Col. in the Army and ADC to Prince Regent 28 Aug 1815; Major-Gen., 27 May 1825; Col., 53rd Foot 19 Nov 1830 – May 1854 [check]; Lieut. -Gen., 28 Jun 1838; Col., Royal Horse Guards, from 8 May 1854; Gen., 20 Jun 1854; Field-Marshal 5 Nov 1854; served with Wellington in Peninsular War; wounded at battle of Busaco; lost right arm at battle of Waterloo; Secretary to Embassy, Paris 1814, Minister Plenipotentiary there Jan – Mar 1815; Secretary to Master-Gen. of the Ordnance 1815-27; MP Truro 1818-20, 1826 – Mar 1829; Military Secretary, War Office Jan 1827 – Sep 1852; Master-Gen. of the Ordnance 30 Sep 1852 – May 1855; Commander-in-Chief of British Troops in Crimea from 1854; Privy Councillor 16 Oct 1852; created Baron Raglan 20 Oct 1852; KCB 2 Jan 1815; GCB 24 Sep 1852; DCL Oxford 1834; m. 6 Aug 1814 Lady Emily Harriet Wellesley Pole, second dau. of William Wellesley Pole, 3rrd Earl of Mornington PC, Master of the Mint; d. in camp before Sevastopol 28 Jun 1855. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-00184 · Person · 1757-1829

ABBOT, CHARLES, 1ST BARON COLCHESTER, younger brother of John Farr Abbot (qv); b. 14 Oct 1757; adm. Mar 1763; KS (Capt) 1770; both “acted and looked Thais extremely well in the Eunuchus” of 1772 (Random Recollections of George Colman the Younger, 1830, i, 74); Captain of the School 1774; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1775, matr. 14 June 1775, Westminster Student 22 Dec 1775 - 20 Oct 1783, Faculty Student 20 Oct 1783 - res 17 Dec 1796; Chancellor’s Prize for Latin Verse 1777; Vinerian Scholar 1781, Fellow 1786-92; BCL 1783; DCL 1793; Geneva Univ. 1778-9; adm. Middle Temple 14 Oct 1768, called to bar 9 May 1783, Bencher 12 Feb 1802; in brother’s chambers at 11 Kings Bench Walk, Temple, Nov 1779; adm. Inner Temple 25 Nov 1784 and 29 Apr 1785, tenant of chambers there Nov 1784 - May 1788; adm Lincoln’s Inn 26 May 1785; FSA 13 Dec 1792; FRS 14 Feb 1793; Clerk of the Rules, Court of King’s Bench 1794-1801; MP Helston 19 Jun 1795-1802, Woodstock 1802-6, Oxford University 1806-Jun 1817; made his parliamentary reputation as chairman, Select Committee on Finance 1797-8; introduced first Census Act into House of Commons Dec 1800; Chief Secretary for Ireland Feb 1801-Feb 1802, also Secretary of State for Ireland Jun 1801 - Feb 1802; Privy Councillor 21 May 1801; Recorder of Oxford May 1801-Oct 1806; Keeper of Privy Seal (I) from May 1801; hon. LLD Trinity Coll. Dublin 6 Jun 1801; elected Speaker of the House of Commons 10 Feb 1802; resigned on account of ill-health 28 May 1817; cr. Baron Colchester 3 Jun 1817; travelled on European Continent 1819-22; on return took active part in politics until death; a Busby Trustee from 18 May 1802; his Diary and Correspondence were published by his son Charles Abbot, 2nd Baron Colchester (qv), in 1861; m. 29 Dec 1796 Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Philip Gibbes, Bart., Spring Head, Barbados, West Indies; d. 8 May 1829; buried in North Transept, Westminster Abbey. Arms up School. DNB.

Carleton, Dudley, 1574-1632
GB-2014-WSA-04469 · Person · 1574-1632

CARLETON, DUDLEY, 1ST VISCOUNT DORCHESTER, son of Anthony Carleton, Brightwell Baldwin, Oxfordshire, and his second wife Jocosa, dau. of John Goodwin, Winchington, Bucks.; b. 10 Mar 1573/4; adm.; QS ; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1591, matr. 11 Feb 1591/2, Westminster Student to 1607; BA 1595; MA 1600 (incorp. Camb. 1626); DCL 31 Aug 1636; Secretary to Sir Thomas Parry, Ambassador to Paris, 1602; MP St. Mawes Mar 1603/4 - Feb 1610/1, Hastings Jan 1625/6 - May 1626; ? adm. Grays Inn 21 Feb 1604/5; Secretary to Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland; suspected of complicity in the Gunpowder Plot, but succeeded in clearing himself while under arrest; Ambassador to Venice 1610-5, The Hague 1616-25; knighted Sep1610; Vice-Chamberlain of the Household 1625-6; Privy Councillor 1626; Envoy to Paris 1626, The Hague 1626-8; created Baron Carleton 22 May 1626 and Viscount Dorchester 25 Jul 1628; Secretary of State from 18 Dec 1628; the most sagacious and successful British diplomat of his day; m. 1st, Nov 1607 Anne, dau. of George Gerrard, Dorney, Bucks., and step-dau. of Sir Henry Savile (founder of Savilian Professorship at Oxford); m. 2nd, 1630 Anne, widow of Paul Bayning, 1st Viscount Bayning, and dau. of Sir Henry Glemham, Little Glemham, Suffolk; d. 15 Feb 1631/2. Buried Westminster Abbey, monument in St. Paul’s Chapel. DNB.

Brydges, James, 1674-1744
GB-2014-WSA-04034 · Person · 1674-1744

BRYDGES, JAMES, 1ST DUKE OF CHANDOS, fourth but eldest surviving son of James Brydges, 8th Baron Chandos, Ambassador to Constantinople, and Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Henry Bernard, Kt., Bridgnorth, Shropshire, Turkey merchant; b. 6 Jan 1673/4; adm. 1686; an interesting letter, written by his father from Constantinople, confides his “three poor little boys (all the treasure the kind God of his kind mercy hath spared me)” to Richard Busby (qv), then Head Master (GM 1792, i, 39); New Coll. Oxford, matr. 21 Jun 1690; FRS 30 Nov 1694; MP Hereford Jul 1698 - 16 Oct 1714; member, Council to Lord High Admiral, 29 Mar 1703 - 5 Apr 1705; Paymaster-Gen. of the Forces Abroad, 10 May 1705 – Sep 1713; succ. father as 9th Baron Chandos 16 Oct 1714; cr. Earl of Carnarvon 19 Oct 1714 and Duke of Chandos 29 Apr 1719; Lord Lieut., Herefordshire 11 Sep 1721 - 16 Jul 1741, and of Radnorshire from 11 Sep 1721; Privy Councillor 11 Nov 1721; Chancellor, Univ. of St. Andrews; the “princely” Chandos expended some £200, 000 in building his country house at Canons, near Edgware, Middlesex; Handel spent two years there composing anthems for the chapel, and writing Esther, his first English oratorio; Defoe describes the splendour of the house in his Tour through England, and Pope refers to it as “Timon’s Villa” in his Epistle to Lord Burlington; m. 1st, 27 Feb 1695/6 Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Lake, Kt., Canons, Whitchurch, Middlesex; m. 2nd, 4 Aug 1713 Cassandra, dau. of Francis Willoughby FRS, naturalist, Wollaton, Notts.  ; m. 3rd, Apr 1736 Lydia Catharine, widow of Sir Thomas Davall MP, and dau. of John Vanhatten; d. 9 Aug 1744. DNB.

Ellis, Welbore, 1713-1802
GB-2014-WSA-06776 · Person · 1713-1802

ELLIS, WELBORE, 1ST BARON MENDIP, younger son of Welbore Ellis (qv); b. 15 Dec 1713; adm. Jul 1727; KS (Capt. ) 1728; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1732, matr. 15 Jun 1732, Westminster Student 29 Dec 1732 - resignation 25 Apr 1739; BA 1736; DCL 7 Jul 1773; inherited fortune of his uncle John Ellis (KS 1660, qv) in 1738; Grand Tour (Italy) 1739-40; MP Cricklade 24 Dec 1741-7, Weymouth 1747-61, Aylesbury 1761-8, Petersfield 1768-74, Weymouth 1774-90, Petersfield 29 Apr 1791- 13 Aug 1794; an active and useful member of the House of Commons; a Lord of the Admiralty 1747-55; Vice-Treasurer for Ireland 1755-62; Privy Councillor 20 Mar 1760; Secretary at War 1762-5; Vice-Treasurer of Ireland (again) 1765-6, 1770-7; Treasurer of the Navy 12 Jun 1777 – Apr 1782; Secretary of State for the American Colonies 11 Feb - Mar 1782; created Baron Mendip 13 Aug 1794, with special remainder to his great-nephew Henry Welbore Agar-Ellis, 2nd Viscount Clifden (qv); member, Society of Dilettanti 1740/1; FRS 20 Jun 1745; Trustee of the British Museum 1780; Busby Trustee 25 Mar 1777; was accustomed to boast of having slept both in the Old Dormitory and in the New Dormitory; m. 1st, 18 Nov 1747 Elizabeth, only dau. of Hon. Sir William Stanhope KB MP; m. 2nd, 20 Jul 1765 Anne, eldest dau. of George Stanley, Paultons, Hampshire; d. 2 Feb 1802. Buried in North Transept, Westminster Abbery. DNB.

Harley, Edward, 1689-1741
GB-2014-WSA-08694 · Person · 1689-1741

HARLEY, EDWARD, 2ND EARL OF OXFORD, only son of Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford PC KG, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Lord High Treasurer, and his first wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Foley MP, Witley Court, Worcs.; nephew of Edward Harley (at school under Busby, qv); b. 2 Jun 1689; at school under Knipe; Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 30 Oct 1707; MA 2 Jan 1711/2; DCL 4 Jun 1730; MP New Radnor 16 Jul 1711-5, Cambridgeshire 1722 – 21 May 1724; succ. father as 2nd Earl of Oxford 21 May 1724; FRS 23 Nov 1727; High Steward of Cambridge from 1728; friend of Pope, Swift and Matthew Prior (qv), and patron of George Vertue and Oldys; added very considerably to his father’s collection of books and manuscripts; also collected pictures, prints and coins; his Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, estate was sold in 1740 to Lord Hardwicke to pay off his debts; his miscellaneous curiosities, coins, medals and portraits were sold by auction in March 1741/2; the books, pamphlets and prints were purchased the same year by the bookseller Thomas Osborne; the manuscripts were sold to the nation in 1753 and are now the Harleian MSS in the British Library; Busby Trustee 18 Feb 1725/6; the letters to him from his Oxford tutor William Stratford (qv), which make frequent allusions to the School, are calendared HMC Portland MSS, vol. vii; m. 31 Oct 1713 Lady Henrietta Cavendish Holles, only dau. of John Holles, 4th Earl of Clare (afterwards 1st Duke of Newcastle); d. 16 Jun 1741. Buried Duke of Newcastle’s vault, Westminster Abbey. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-08328 · Person · 1837-1912

GROSVENOR, RICHARD DE AQUILA, 1ST BARON STALBRIDGE, fourth son of Richard Grosvenor, 2nd Marquis of Westminster (qv); b. 28 Jun 1837; adm. 24 Jan 1849 (G); an intimate school friend of Francis Markham (qv); Trinity Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 21 Feb 1855, fellow commoner 15 Oct 1855, matr. Mich. 1855; MA 1858; MP (Liberal) Flintshire May 1861 – 22 Mar 1886; Vice-Chamberlain of the Household Mar 1872 - Feb 1874; Privy Councillor 19 Mar 1872; Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Liberal Whip, House of Commons 1880-5; created Baron Stalbridge 22 Mar 1886; took Liberal Unionist whip, House of Lords; Chairman, London and North Western Railway Co. 1891-1911, having been a director since 1870; a Governor of the School 1875-1880 and from 1889; Busby Trustee from 1 Jun 1875; President, Elizabethan Club 1885-91, Vice-President from 1891; an intimate friend of Francis Markham (qv), who frequently mentions him in his Recollections; m. 1st, 5 Nov 1874 Hon. Beatrix Charlotte Elizabeth Vesey, third dau. of Thomas Vesey, 3rd Viscount De Vesci (I); m. 2nd, 3 Apr 1879 Eleanor Frances Beatrice, dau. of Robert Hamilton Stubber, Moyne, Queen’s Co.; d. 18 May 1912. DNB Supp.