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Multo[rum] vocabulo[rum] equiuoco[rum] interpretatio magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia grammatico et latini cupido.permaxime necessaria incipit.
Multo[rum] vocabulo[rum] equiuoco[rum] interpretatio magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia grammatico et latini cupido.permaxime necessaria incipit.
Synonyma magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia cum expositio[n]e magistri Galfridi anglici.
Synonyma magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia cum expositio[n]e magistri Galfridi anglici.
Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre, which the romayns had agaynst Iugurth vsurper of the kyngdome of Numidy. which cronycle is compyled in latyn by the renowmed romayne Salust. And translated into englysshe by syr Alexander Barclay preest, at co[m]maundement of the right hye and mighty prince: Thomas duke of Northfolke.
Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre, which the romayns had agaynst Iugurth vsurper of the kyngdome of Numidy. which cronycle is compyled in latyn by the renowmed romayne Salust. And translated into englysshe by syr Alexander Barclay preest, at co[m]maundement of the right hye and mighty prince: Thomas duke of Northfolke.