Showing 653 results

Catalogue Description
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Vitis Palatina
Vitis Palatina
A Sermon at St Paules Crosse, on behalf of Paule's Church March 26 1620
A Sermon at St Paules Crosse, on behalf of Paule's Church March 26 1620
Divers Voyages touching the Discoveries of America, and the Islands adjacent unto the same . . .
Divers Voyages touching the Discoveries of America, and the Islands adjacent unto the same . . .
The Works of Ben Jonson
The Works of Ben Jonson
Lectures upon Jonas delivered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lords 1594
Lectures upon Jonas delivered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lords 1594
The Complete Poems of Giles Fletcher
The Complete Poems of Giles Fletcher
The Poems of Richard Corbet
The Poems of Richard Corbet
A Sermon preached at the Funeral of the R. Reverend Father in God Bryan, Lord Bp of Winchester
A Sermon preached at the Funeral of the R. Reverend Father in God Bryan, Lord Bp of Winchester
An Exposition Upon the Lord's Prayer
An Exposition Upon the Lord's Prayer