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A "Break"
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-26 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Dated 1909 1918-1924
There was a welcome break between First and Second School about 11.0, another between Second and Third School about 12.0. According to Teignmouth Shore (1910) these were of five minutes’ duration only, but I think they had been increased to ten minutes by my day. This gave a brief opportunity for going to Sut’s (as some are doing in this picture, tho’ by no means a ‘Greaze’ such as was sometimes seen). It was also an occasion for consulting the Notice Boards. (Those in the picture are looking at the list of Teams for forthcoming marches). To omit to do this, and in particular to fail to tick one’s name off for Afternoon Station, was a “tannable offence” (as I learnt by experience- though on that occasion I and my fellow culprits were given the benefit of the doubt).
Fourth School in my day was from 3.30pm (after Fields) to 4.25pm. It was a long and gruelling period. Under Costley White a brief break was introduced (followed on a few happy occasions by a Lecture Up School ). But I.F. Smedley refused to allow this break for the VII- much to our distress and displeasure. (If the Break was observed we were not allowed to leave the room).'

GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-27 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Suts in Yard (successor of this) was one of the most important features of our School life. Besides being a Tuck Shop it was also the Stationary Store and School Book Shop. It is a great pity the photo of Suts including the amazing MISS LUCY ROUD has not survived in this series, purchased from there. (It may however be seen in Record of OWW, Vol III).
A ‘Greaze up Suts’ could be a fearsome affair in which the smaller or weaker stood little chance. Never so much as in Play 1918, when stock was normally limited to ‘Thin Arrowroot’ but chocolate arrived twice the term! (Later, always in stock).
MISS ROUD was a truly wonderful character - small, gold-bespectacled, resembling a village store-keeper. During School hours, she made up all the Book and Stationary accounts (in a unique round hand) for 350 boys. In Breaks she dealt (generally single handed) with scores of chits for ‘Quartern’-‘nib’-‘pen’ etc. etc. and continuous vociferous demands (especially during a Greaze) for this or that item of confectionary. Her one, unfailing weapon was: ‘Shan’t serve you! Enough!”'

No. 3, Grant's, Rigaud's
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-28 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
These memories are confined to Rigaud’s, where I was a boarder for 6 terms, Play 1918-Election 1920. The formidable E.L Fox was House Master. There were 60+ boys, 50% being Half-Boarders (not Day Boys!). Boarders thought little of Half-Boarders! I loved my first house dearly.
In picture:
Basement – Changing Room (one bath only!)
First Floor- Hall (i.e. Common Room & Prep Room) accommodating +-50 boys. (Half-Boarders were kept out before 9am and driven out after 5pm. During those hours they had to answer ‘knocks’ on Upper Door when Monitors required a fag. (As other times, the junior Boarder present)
Second Floor:- Big Dorm (Monitors, Underites and the dozen or so senior Boarders). Leave to go ‘up Dorm’ was given once a week only.
Top Floor:- Sick Rooms (one generally used as an ‘overflow’ for Little Dorm). I spent 16 days of my first Term in the End Sick Room suffering from Spanish Flu in the epidemic of 1918 (E.D Harford, the ‘beau ideal’ of a Westminster, and Little Dorm Monitor died in this room on 19.7.1919)
Monitors had the privilege of disporting themselves on the rail-enclosed step outside the Front Door. It was a ‘tannable offence’ for any ‘Hallite’ to stop still on the steps even for a moment.'

Grant's [Untitled]
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-29 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
Said my Substance (Tony Allpress) to me on my first day, “Pity they haven’y got a P.C. of Rigaud’s like that”. (It wd. not have made so good a picture as this severe but symmetrical structure). It says much for the rigid ‘isolationist’ House system of my time that I only once set foot inside GG in all my six years- and that very briefly for some very special purpose on the last day of Term.
R. Tanner (“The Buck”) was House Master of GG for my first three terms, Major D.P. Shaw for the remainder (1919 till his death from war-wounds in 1924). Grant’s and Rigaud’s were consistently on good terms (having much in common), but about 1922-4 GG developed into a decidedly ‘tough’ House, with a particular antipathy to K.SS (which was reciprocated). This nearly resulted in an ugly scene during Lamprobatics in 1923!'

Back of Grant's
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-30 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Back of Grant’s 1918-24
A portion of the School precincts I naturally never once set eyes on during all those years. Except for Monitors (on official duty) no member of any one of the five Houses was allowed to set foot inside another.
This no doubt Grant’s Yard (somewhat more specious than its counterpart up RR next door). The windows are protected by wire-mesh because of the ‘Yard Game’ played there, the counterpart of RR Yard Game. This was a kind of miniature football played four-or-five-a side with a rubber ball about 4 inches in diameter. A very fast game (and too rough for me personally). If the ball was ‘popped’ on an iron spike or (more likely) ‘skied’ into GG Yard next door, it meant an outlay of 6d, on another, if available. We would call, “Thank-you ball Grant’s!!” Sometimes our ball would come back, but not often. (GG balls were never skied into RR Yard!)'

GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-31 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
On the right (then as to this day I hope) is Liddell’s tree. Beneath it the tiny and cramped Bursar’s Office, where the devoted and conscientious but unsystematical JJ Tyson (Ti Ti) laboured six days a week throughout the year (never a holiday save half-a-day for Diamond Jubilee, 1897). Report had it this Office was in such confusion that the Pashley Bowling Cup was mislaid there for 3 years, under piles of files, letters and records.
On the ground floor (hidden in picture by the Fives Courts) was the Masters’ Common Room - fittingly described to me by Mr. Smedley when once I appeared at its doorway on urgent business as “The Holy of Holies”
Above it (17 Dean’s Yard) was H.BB (now Wren’s, I think - but surely Wren was never a House Master, like Rigaud?)
It always puzzled me how 80+ Home Boarders fitted in there, complete (presumably) with Upper and Under. H.BB in my day were a boisterous House, but good-hearted - more congenial generally than A.HH (I speak of course as a K.S!)'

The Abbey from "Green"
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-32 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1924
During Play and Lent Terms, “Green” was a complete misnomer! It was used not only for regular Football (“Green games” to occupy all such as were not down for games up. Fields- a welcome relief for less proficient players like myself) but also for daily “kick-abouts” for A.HH and H.BB during dinner-breaks etc (corresponding to ‘Yard Games’ up RR & GG). Consequently there was not a blade of grass surviving by the end of Lent Term, and efforts had to be made to restore its ‘greenness’ for the summer. In this connection I have clear memory of the horse and plough working there in 1922 (featured in a press photo, with Abbey in the background).
The game of Football as played in Green was a peculiar one. It was of course surrounded by the century old five-foot railings (so regrettably removed to make munitions during the war). A ball which ‘cannoned’ off these was still in play- a throw in awarded only if the ball was kicked outside. Likewise the trees – skilful wing-forwards made good use of these!'

Headmaster's House
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-33 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1924
In Dr Gow’s last year (1918-19) few boys had occasion to enter the HM’s house except for a Confirmation interview (as also under H.C.W.).
It was different when H.C.W. came in 1919. He and his wife set out to entertain all boarders to dinner, two by two. I recall going in fear and trembling with an even smaller Under School boy- and being much relieved by the kind welcome we received. Monitors and Senior K.SS were later invited from time to time.
While in charge of the School Coin Collection from c.1922 to 1924, I was allowed unlimited access to the landing where the Cabinet was kept. (This was a great privilege).
I have also happy recollections of private tuition classes in Theocritus conducted by the H.M. in evenings of Play 1923 and Lent 1924 for KSS in the VII. These played no small part in the Open Scholarships some of us gained at that time.'

Entrance to College Hall
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-34 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Mid-day hall, 1920-1924 R.S.C
My memories of this picture are concentrated on the entrance stairs, where as Under Elections we would congregate to await the arrival and entrance of the H.M. Second Elections stood on the landing, leaning on the rails and watching T.BB assembling in the court below; Juniors stood on the stairs in exact order of seniority. Three Second Elections (including non-resident KSS) took turns to say Latin Grace (“Oculi amnium” etc- Psalm 145, vv15-16)
In my day there was Early Hall (for members of Under School up A.HH or H.BB) at 12:40 pm. Late Hall (for K.SS and Upper School A.HH & H.BB, with Masters) followed at (I believe) 1:15. How we ever got through a meal, got back to our Houses, changed and got up Fields by 2pm for football till 3pm will ever remain a mystery to me- the more so as I do not recall any great sense of hurry.
(It certainly did one’s digestion little good). If I remember, Early School was introduced later (2-3:30pm), giving time to get down to Water.'

College Hall
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-35 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Morning/Evening Hall - Memories 1920-24
At Breakfast and (High) Tea in those days Hall was the exclusive domain of K.SS. The deeply resented invasion by Busby’s did not come till 1925.
Seniors sat at top table on right (note Captain’s chair), Juniors at bottom table, ever-alert for cries of “Election bag!-beggar!-brown bag! Etc.etc. Orders had to be executed at the run, so the zig-zag passage from the “Flinnery” to Seniors’ Table was a hazardous business, especially if carrying a full jug of ‘bag’ (normally my task as a Junior).
The chief of the ‘many customs’ referred to by L.E.T. was Toasting. When the open coal-fire in the centre was lit, Seniors would sit before it (before eating), and make two pieces of toast (more if desired) for each Under Election in their respective Rooms- call his name, and throw the toast to be caught or (failing that) retrieved from wherever it had fallen. As “breaking (ie going between) tables” was an offence, this often meant a lowly crawl for Juniors! (In my day, I developed considerable proficiency first in catching, later in making and throwing toasts). Unfortunately this custom degenerated into horseplay from 1925 and was abolished c.1926 after an accident to I.C. Allen.'