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Catalogue Description
Scrinia reserata : a memorial offer'd to the great deservings of John Williams, D.D. who some time held the places of Ld Keeper of the Great Seal of England, Ld Bishop of Lincoln, and Ld Archbishop of York : containing a series of the most remarkable occurrences and transactions of his life, in relation both to church and state
Scrinia reserata : a memorial offer'd to the great deservings of John Williams, D.D. who some time held the places of Ld Keeper of the Great Seal of England, Ld Bishop of Lincoln, and Ld Archbishop of York : containing a series of the most remarkable occurrences and transactions of his life, in relation both to church and state
The Historie of  . .Elizabeth
The Historie of . .Elizabeth
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Synonyma magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia cum expositio[n]e magistri Galfridi anglici.
Synonyma magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia cum expositio[n]e magistri Galfridi anglici.
Scala Perfectionis
Scala Perfectionis
A description of the passage of the shadow of the moon, over England, in the total eclipse of the sun, on the 22d. day of April 1715 in the morning.
A description of the passage of the shadow of the moon, over England, in the total eclipse of the sun, on the 22d. day of April 1715 in the morning.
The English schoole, teaching to reade English distinctly, and to write it both faire and true. By a perfect table of all the words in the Bible of the last translation. Disposed in a naturall order; so that all (whether strangers or others, though but of meane capacity) may with very little helpe, soone learne to reade English perfectly, by this booke onely. By I.P.
The English schoole, teaching to reade English distinctly, and to write it both faire and true. By a perfect table of all the words in the Bible of the last translation. Disposed in a naturall order; so that all (whether strangers or others, though but of meane capacity) may with very little helpe, soone learne to reade English perfectly, by this booke onely. By I.P.
Minervae Sacellum; The muses address to the Right Hon. Richard, Earl of Burlington on the erecting of the new dormitory for the K.S
Minervae Sacellum; The muses address to the Right Hon. Richard, Earl of Burlington on the erecting of the new dormitory for the K.S
Wall timepiece, Thomas Moore, London
Wall timepiece, Thomas Moore, London