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Catalogue Description
Royal Events
GB 2014 WS-02-ABY-02-01 · Series · 1902-2007
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

This series contains items concerning events held in Westminster Abbey which directly concern the Royal Family, such as Coronations, Weddings and Funerals, as well as a small number of additional events such as coronation and wedding anniversaries. Not all events attended by the Royal Family are held in this series and such events where a representative of the Royal Family was present but the event had a different primary focus are held elsewhere in the Westminster Abbey collection, as best suits their primary theme.

School Services
GB 2014 WS-02-ABY-01 · Subseries · 1878-2020
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Material generated through the School's events in or relationship with the Abbey, including annual services, weekly Abbey talks, and one-off events. Some items are also included by merit of their religious themes, such as Holy Communion orders of service, but are not specifically tied to the Abbey itself.
Westminster Abbey documents relating to the biannual Commemoration of Benefactors and the annual Election service are held in the EVE series, under their respective events.

Abbey Events
GB 2014 WS-02-ABY-02 · Subseries · 2002-2014
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

This series contains material held by the school on events at Westminster Abbey which do not feature the school in any prominent fashion, although representatives from the School often attended and this is how such material came to be in the Westminster School collections.
A more extensive Westminster Abbey collective is held at the Abbey itself:

GB 2014 WS-02-ABY-03 · Subseries · 1937-2018
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

This collection contains orders of service for funerals and memorial services for Old Westminsters, former Westminster school teachers, former Head Masters, and a small number of other individuals. The majority of the services took place in Westminster Abbey, but orders of service have been included in this collection where the service happened elsewhere as the individuals have associations to Westminster School.

GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-1 · Item · 1846-04-22
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Opens the correspondence. There has been a breakdown of relations between HMC and JB (of unspecified length, but possibly 50 years ago - last meeting ca. 1820) through HMC's misunderstanding of an act of JB's, but HMC is now satisfied that no offence was meaned. Ill health in ca.1820 led him to holiday and then buy a property on Mont St. Michel - compelled to sell this last year because of the 2 cataracts which have blinded him. Also a property in Foret Montier. Quote from Hor.C.2.14, Hor.C.3.6. News of his own family. His epitaph which he has composed. Recalls Vincent's epitaph for Albany Wallis (OW). Used to attend Abbey services, where Howel Holland Edwards (schoolfellow) is a prebend. School much reduced (only 100 pupils, cf. Eton's 800). Refers to the monuments of Edward Smedley, Vincent and Busby. All the old trees have been removed from Dean's Yard. Tothill Fields have been built over (a town with squares and gardens) from Millbank to the Floodgates. Wishes to be remembered to some (university?) friends.

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-12 · Item · 1846-9-28
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

No need for JB to send the pamphlet on tithes (see 11), since HMC has discovered the principle behind the bill. On the deficiencies of Daniel O'Connell's policies in Ireland, and the difficulties of waging war on Irish rebels. Quotes a line of Horace - he remembers so much not because of lessons, but rather the practice of the 6th Form at Westminster at passing their many hours of idleness (see 11) by quoting and then capping verses. On parts of Horace worth remembering in their own right, and the vain search (e.g. by Sir John Hobhouse) for places he mentions (e.g. his villa, the spring of Bandusium). On a recent assertion that the earth is no less than 47,000 years old - some discussion of the views of Dr William Buckland, Dean of Westminster.

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-16 · Item · 1846-11-23
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Doubts whether his grandson (up at Balliol) would be able to perform the duties of curate (see 15), since he is not yet quite in holy orders. A Westminster boy was with him yesterday; numbers, at present 90, will rise by 30 after Christmas, the old KS dormitory is now used only for sleeping, rooms have been constructed on the ground floor for use during the day, and School is being heated by hot water pipes. More time is being devoted to study, whole play days have been abolished, and Lily's Latin Grammar now being used. All these changes have been brought about by Dr Buckland, the Dean. More musings on John Fawcett (see 13).

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-33 · Item · 1847-11-19
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

More on Eton (see 3) - access to it so much easier with the railroad. Last visited Westminster 3 years ago - nostalgic - heard again the bell at 2.45 (known to them as Smith's bell - after the HM)). Cloisters largely unchanged, apart from some trifling repairs to Smedley's monument in the West Cloister - their former tutor (Edward OW) and Rector of Powderham, which living must have been given to him by the 'unfortunate' Lord Courtenay (9th Earl of Devon, and a notorious homosexual). Hopes that JB and his friends have not suffered from the banking panic of 1847 (though the minor house such as Drummonds and Childs coalesced to support each other) - yet Ireland must be fed (the crisis was caused by government borrowing to relieve the Great Famine). The PM Lord John Russell will be faced by Irish MPs making impossible demands - also the question of admitting a Jew, a further blow for the Protestant religion (Lionel de Rothschild - see 31).

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850