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De astronomia libri ix . .per Gerardum Cremonensem in Lat.versi
De astronomia libri ix . .per Gerardum Cremonensem in Lat.versi
Sphaerae atque astrorum coelestium ratio, natura et motus : ad totius mundi fabricationis cognitionem fundamenta
Sphaerae atque astrorum coelestium ratio, natura et motus : ad totius mundi fabricationis cognitionem fundamenta
Prutenicae tabulae coelestium motuum
Prutenicae tabulae coelestium motuum
Prutenicae tabulae coelestium motuum
Prutenicae tabulae coelestium motuum
Comptus vel Calendarium astronomicaum. .
Comptus vel Calendarium astronomicaum. .
De principiis astronomiae et cosmographicae . .
De principiis astronomiae et cosmographicae . .
Synopticae tabulae cliciendi . . loca planetarum. .
Synopticae tabulae cliciendi . . loca planetarum. .
Theoremata de lumine et umbra. .
Theoremata de lumine et umbra. .
A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motions. By Marke Ridley Dr in phisicke and philosophie latly physition to the Emperour of Russia, and one of ye eight principals of elects of the Colledge of Physitions in London.
A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motions. By Marke Ridley Dr in phisicke and philosophie latly physition to the Emperour of Russia, and one of ye eight principals of elects of the Colledge of Physitions in London.