Reid, Ian Douglas Morrell, son of Douglas Arthur Reid, sec. -gen. Soc. of Foreign Bondholders, and Anna Marie, d. of Sir John Lawson Walton KC MP, Attorney-Gen.; b. 23 Sept. 1924; adm. Sept. 1938 (KS); left July 1942; RNVR 1943-6 (Lieut. ); Pembroke Coll. Camb., matric. 1946, BA 1948; adm. solicitor July 1951; asst. sec. Brit. Red Cross Soc. 1951-66, dir. Internat. Affairs 1966-71; adviser League of Red Cross Socs 1971-87; m. 18 Nov. 1944 Pamela Katherine, d. of Arthur Barclay of Ballinafad, Co. Galway, Ireland.
Erde, John Michael, son of Herbert John Erde, hotel man., and Elsie May, d. of Alfred Ernest Lea of Birmingham; b. 21 July 1923; adm. Sept. 1936 (B), (KS) Sept. 1937; left 1941; Trin. Coll. Camb., matric. 1941, BA 1945, MA 1973; RNVR 1944-6 (Sub-Lieut. (A)); MICE; BR 1947-51; Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners 1952-65; Sandford Fawcett Wilton & Bell 1965, partner 1973; consult. L. G. Mouchel & Partners 1983-8; m. 19 Jan. 1957 Susan Jenefer, d. of Alan Robert Cecil Westlake CSI CIE, Indian Civil Service, of Farnham, Surrey.
Sleightholm, Peter, son of Isaac Alfred Sleightholm, bank official, of Roundhay, Leeds, and Mary, d. of Robert Thomas Tennant, manager Midland Bank Thirsk, Yorks; b. 23 Mar. 1923; adm. Sept. 1936 (KS); left July 1941; Trin. Coll. Oxf., matric. 1941, BA 1944, BSc 1946, MA 1948; res. chemist Courtaulds 1945-8; Univ. of Nottingham 1948-9; asst master Scorton GS 1951; asst lecturer Blackburn Tech. Coll. 1952-6, lecturer Cambridge Tech. Coll. 1956-60, sen. lecturer Bolton Tech. Teachers' Training Coll. 1960; m. 4 Apr. 1953 Margaret Elizabeth, d. of Tom Walters Venn of Bedford.
Lovett, Edward John William, son of Edward Rider Lovett, accountant, of Leatherhead, and Eleanor Florence, d. of William Young, librarian, of Leatherhead; b. 2 Jan. 1923; adm. Sept. 1936 (KS); left July 1941; Trin. Coll. Camb., matric. 1941 but did not graduate; Roy. Signals 1943-7, attached IA 1945-7 (Capt.); a reinsurance broker, ACII 1949; dir. Rendtorff Worrall & Co. 1962; assoc. dir. Sterling Offices Ltd 1961, dir. 1970, man. dir. 1973, chairman 1974; man. dir. Alexander Howden Ins. Brokers Ltd 1976, retd 1980; m. 12 July 1952 Agustina Castroverde, broadcaster BBC Overseas Service, d. of Joaquin Perier, Prof. Univ. of Madrid.
Greenwood, Robert, son of William Ernest and Ida Greenwood; b. 25 Jan. 1923; adm. Sept. 1936 (R, non-res. KS); left July 1938.
Adie, Michael Edgar, son of Walter Granville Adie, farmer, of Frating Abbey, Essex, and Kathleen Emily, d. of A. Parrish, farmer, of Dagenham; b. 22 Nov. 1929; adm. Sept. 1943 (KS); left July 1948; St John’s Coll. Oxf., matric. 1949, BA 1952, MA 1956; ordained deacon 1954, priest 1955 (Durham); Curate St Luke’s, Pallion, Sunderland 1954-7; domestic chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury 1957-60; Vicar of St Mark’s, Sheffield 1960-9; Rector of Louth, Lincs, 1969-76; Vicar of Morton with Hacconby, Lincs 1976-83; Archdeacon of Lincoln 1977-83; Bishop of Guildford 1983-94; CBE 1994; Hon. Doctorate Univ. of Surrey 1995; m. 31 Dec. 1957 Anne Devenald, d. of Vincent John Roynon of Dorchester, Oxon; d. 4 Mar. 2024.
Wakely, Kenneth George, son of Brig. William Hugh Denning Wakely (qv); b. 7 Jan. 1939; adm. Sept. 1952 (QS); left July 1957; RMA Sandhurst 1957, Queen’s Medal 1959; 2nd Lieut. Queen’s Roy. Surrey Regt. 1959, Lieut. 1961, Capt. Dec. 1964, retd. Aug. 1970; New Coll. Oxf., matric. 1961, BA 1964, MA 1971; industrial relations consult. Engineering Employers’ Fedn. 1970-3; training man. Cape Industries 1973-8; personnel man. Exchange Telegraph Co. 1978-84; man. consult., John Courtis and Partners 1986-9; Ferdinand Pieroth Wines, sales consult. 1990-8; South West Trains, station man. 2004-15; m. 8 May 1965 Susan Margaret Ubsdell, sec., d. of Maj. Edward Thurlow Hope Ubsdell SLI, of New Milton, Hants; d. 13 Mar. 2023.
Meade, Thomas Wilson, son of James Edward Meade FBA, Prof. of Political Economy, Univ. of Camb., and Elizabeth Margaret Meade BA, social worker, d. of Alexander Cowan Wilson, engineer; b. 21 Jan. 1936; adm. Sept. 1949; (KS) Capt. of the Sch. 1953; left July 1954; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1954, BA 1958, MA BM BCh 1960; MRCP 1964; FFCM 1973, FRCP 1979; DM (Oxon. ) 1980; FRS 1996; physician, Medical Research Council 1960-2001; dir. MRC Epidemiol. and Med. Care Unit, Northwick Park Hosp. 1970-2001; Prof. of Epidemiology, Barts Hosp. Med. Coll. 1992-2001; Prof. Emeritus, Lond. Sch. of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2001-16; Balzan Prize 1997; FMedSci 1998; Hon. DSc QMUL 2010; m. 23 June 1962 Helen Elizabeth Perks BSc, social worker; d. 24 Oct. 2022.
Hall, Peter Welles, son of Thomas Wells Hall jr., of Shaftsbury, VT, USA; b. 9 Nov. 1948; adm. Sept. 1966 (C); left July 1967; Univ. of North Carolina, BA, MA; Cornell Law Sch., JD; asst. US Attorney for Vermont 1978-86; private legal practice 1986-2001; US Attorney for Vermont 2001-4; Federal Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit 2004-; m. 2009 Rebecca Dunton; d. 11 Mar. 2021.
Maclennan, William Ian Keith, son of Sir Ian Morrison Ross Maclennan KCMG, HM Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, and Margherita Lucas, d. of Frederick Lucas Jarratt of Bedford, Beds; b. 17 Sept. 1940; adm. Sept. 1953 (G), (QS) 1954; left July 1959; Corpus Christi Coll. Oxf., matric, 1959, BA 1963, MA 1966; asst. master Rugby Sch. 1964-2000, head of classics and housemaster; retd.; ed. and trans. Virgil