Showing 37 results

Catalogue Description
History of the Rebellion and civil wars in England
History of the Rebellion and civil wars in England
Angliae notitia; or, the present state of England. .
Angliae notitia; or, the present state of England. .
The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary : in three parts
The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary : in three parts
Rerum Scoticarum historia
Rerum Scoticarum historia
Historiae Anglicae libri xxvii
Historiae Anglicae libri xxvii
The Collection of the History of England
The Collection of the History of England
Anglia Rediviva; England's Recovery
Anglia Rediviva; England's Recovery
The history and life and reigne of Richard the Third
The history and life and reigne of Richard the Third