Showing 37 results
Catalogue Description
History of the Rebellion and civil wars in England
History of the Rebellion and civil wars in England
Historiae Anglicae libri xxvii
Historiae Anglicae libri xxvii
Historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seventh
Historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seventh
A true copy of the journal. . for the tryal of King Charles I. .
A true copy of the journal. . for the tryal of King Charles I. .
A vindication of Stone-Heng restored: in which the orders and rules of architecture observed by the ancient Romans, are discussed. Together with the customs and manners of several nations of the world in matters of building of greatest antiquity. As also an historical narration of the most memorable actions of the Danes in England
A vindication of Stone-Heng restored: in which the orders and rules of architecture observed by the ancient Romans, are discussed. Together with the customs and manners of several nations of the world in matters of building of greatest antiquity. As also an historical narration of the most memorable actions of the Danes in England
The history of the colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster...
The history of the colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster...
The Institution . . of the order of the Garter
The Institution . . of the order of the Garter
The battle of Bosworth Field : between Richard the Third and Henry Earl of Richmond, August 22, 1485 ?
The battle of Bosworth Field : between Richard the Third and Henry Earl of Richmond, August 22, 1485 ?