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Catalogue Description
Aeschyli Tragoediae VII. Quae cum omnes multo quam antea castigatiores eduntur, tum vero una, quae mutila & decurtata prius erat, integra nunc profertur. Scholia in easdem plurimus in locis locupletata, & in pene infinitis emendata, Petri Victorii cura et diligentia.
Aeschyli Tragoediae VII. Quae cum omnes multo quam antea castigatiores eduntur, tum vero una, quae mutila & decurtata prius erat, integra nunc profertur. Scholia in easdem plurimus in locis locupletata, & in pene infinitis emendata, Petri Victorii cura et diligentia.
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Evangelia, Arabic et Latine
Evangelia, Arabic et Latine
Hooke Magazine, Issue 51
Hooke Magazine, Issue 51
The John Stace Geography Society Magazine
The John Stace Geography Society Magazine
The Constantine Cup for French
The Constantine Cup for French
Gavin Griffiths
Gavin Griffiths
The Anthony Lousada House Art Cup
The Anthony Lousada House Art Cup