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Leavers' Service
GB 2014 WS-02-ABY-01-01-09 · File · 1998-2018
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

This file contains orders of service from the Westminster School annual Leaver's Service, held in Westminster Abbey. A small number of invitations or tickets to the event are also held.

GB 2014 WS-02-GOV-02-08 · File · 27/05/1965-14/02/1966
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

File detailing minutes from the meetings of the Governing Body during this period. Includes an index in alphabetical order. \r\n\r\nFile includes: a list of those in attendance at the meeting, Minutes of the Finance Commitee, Headmaster's report, budget, proposed employment of Mr John Christie, Report of Educational Policy Committee, pupil numbers, university awards, gift from Westminster School - Marion - South Australia, Minutes of the Meeting of the Education Policy Committee, Bursar's note, Contracts of Employment Act, Minutes of a Meeting of the Masters' Salaries Committee, terms of employment of Assistant Masters, Report of the School Properties Committee, the Governing Body welcomes two new Governors - the Master of Trinity and Sir Owen Wansborough, sale of Gloucester House, proposed increase in fees, Milliken Trust, matters raised by the Headmaster, Master's salaries, Report of the Statutes Regulations and Bye-laws Committee, draft for the new regulations - appointments, possible ammendments to salaries, Interim Report of the Committee set up by the Governing Body to Consider Amendments to the Statues Regulations and Bye-laws.

GB 2014 WS-02-GOV-02-09 · File · 23/05/1966-23/01/1967
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

File detailing minutes from the meetings of the Governing Body during this period. Includes an index in alphabetical order. \r\n\r\nFile includes: a list of those in attendance at the meeting, Minutes of the Finance Committee, Headmaster's report, budget, university awards, replies to questions arising from objectives listed in the terms of reference of the Newsom Committee, Minutes of a Meeting of the Masters' Salaries Committee, Minutes of a Meeting of the Finance Committee, correspondence, balance sheets, Public School Commission, The Newsom Questionaire, Educational Policy Committee, Red Indian Bible, Headmaster's pension, Combined Cadet Force, pupil numbers, Joint Opinion - the Act provides that if the School leaves Westminster certain properties shall revert, resignation of Mr R M Rattenbury, Bursar's note - report on the current position and works, Report of the School Properties Committee, Report of the Under School Committee.