Title, names of individuals and copyright on front.
Monty's PhotographyTitle, names of individuals and copyright on front.
Monty's PhotographyHistory of that most victorious monarch Edward III king of England and France, and lord of Ireland and fifth founder of the
Most Noble Order of the Garter: Being a full and exact account of the life and death of the said king, together with that of his most renowned son Edward, prince of Wales and of Aquitain, sirnamed the Black-Prince: faithfully and carefully collected from the best and most antient authors, Domestick and Foreign, printed books, manuscripts and records.
By Joshua Barnes
Published Cambridge, 1688
Marmorum, Arundellianorum, Seldenianorum, Aliorumque, Academiae Oxoniensi Donatorum; Cum Variis Commentariis & Indice; Secuda Editio
(Donators of the Marbles, Arundellians, Seldenians, and others, to the Oxford Academy; With Various Commentaries & Index; Second Edition)
By Michael Mattaire
Published London, 1732
Volume 1
Maittaire, Michael, 1668-1747The Institution, laws, and ceremonies of the most noble order of the Garter: work furnished with variety of matter, relating to honor and noblesse.
By Elias Ashmole
Published London, 1672
Elias Ashmole was one of the founding members of the Royal Society, a collector and antiquary. He produced the history of the Order of the Garter, during his appointment to the College of Arms as Windsor Herald in 1660.
This printed book contains lavish illustrations by Wenceslaus Hollar.
Records relating to Jonathan Katz's personal life events between 2001-2004. Includes invitations to weddings, vigils and musical concerts.
Papers related to School committee meetings between 1966-1971.
Photographs of pupils including induction of scholars.
Pupil work from 2001 including copies of a Crabbit Old Woman poem and student work relating to poem. Also includes Alex Riley's submission for the college intermediates competition which became the winning design.
Documents relating to the history of Westminster School including a book chapter on the History of Westminster School, The story of Ashburnham House 1946, Word Book 1959 and School 'Flag days' leaflet.