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People & Organisations
Busby, Richard, 1606-1695
GB-2014-WSA-00002 · Person · 1606-1695

BUSBY, RICHARD, second son of Richard Busby, Lutton, otherwise Sutton St. Nicholas, Lincs., and ---, sister of Henry Robinson, Westminster ; b. 22 Sep 1606 ; adm. ; KS (Capt.) ; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1624, matr. 10 Feb 1625/6, Westminster Student to 1661, Tutor 1632-7 ; BA 1628 (incorp.Camb.1628) ; MA 1631 ; DD 1660 ; acted the part of Cratander in Cartwright’s Royal Slave before the King and Queen at Christ Church 30 Aug 1636, with great success ; ordained ; appointed Head Master of the School in the place of Lambert Osbaldeston (qv) in 1638/9, but not confirmed in that office until 23 Dec 1640 ; Prebendary of Wells and Rector of Cudworth, Somerset, 1 Jul 1639 ; ejected from his stall and rectory during the Commonwealth, but was allowed to retain his Studentship at Christ Church and his post at Westminster ; there is no evidence that he took either the Covenant or the Engagement, and of his loyalty both to Church and King there is no question ; Robert South (qv) relates that “the King was publicly prayed for in this school but an hour or two (at most) before his sacred head was struck off”, while John Owen, Dean of Christ Church, used often to say that “it would never be well with the nation till this School was suppressed” (Sermons preached upon several occasions by Robert South, 1865, i, 420-32) ; his chief trouble during the Commonwealth seems to have been with the Under Master, Edward Bagshaw (qv), who was eventually dismissed from the School by the Governors, May 1658 ; restored as Prebendary of Wells on the Restoration, also Canon Residentiary and Treasurer from 11 Aug 1660 ; Proctor in Convocation, Diocese of Bath and Wells ; Prebendary of Westminster from 5 Jul 1660, Treasurer 1660-72, Archdeacon from 1672 ; carried the ampulla at the Coronation of Charles II, 23 Apr 1661, and the orb and cross at the Coronation of James II, 23 Apr 1685 ; a great schoolmaster and a most successful teacher ; “the soil”, says Steele, “which he manured, always grew fertile” ; gained the respect and veneration of his pupils in spite of his excessive use of the birch ; his chair is preserved up School, and many of the books which he bequeathed to the School are still in the Busby Library, built by him at his own expense ; the Busby Trustees, thirteen in number and always OWW, still carry out the charitable trusts of his will for the benefit of the poorer clergy and others ; author, Graecae Grammaticae Rudimenta, 1663, and other books for the use of the School ; d. unm. 5 Apr 1695 ; buried in the Choir, Westminster Abbey, in front of the steps leading to the Sacrarium, under the black and white marble pavement of which he was the donor ; monument by Bird in Poet’s Corner. DNB ; see also G.F.Russell Barker, Memoir of Richard Busby, 1695.

Locke, John, 1632-1704
GB-2014-WSA-00006 · Person · 1632-1704

LOCKE, JOHN, elder son of John Locke, Pensford, Somerset, attorney, and Agnes, dau. of Edmund Keene, Wrington, Somerset, tanner; b. 29 Aug 1632; adm. 1647 (lodging with Mrs. Susan Bates); KS 1650 (WAM 43057); elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1652, matr. 27 Nov 1652, Westminster Student to Jan 1674/5, Faculty Student Jan 1674/5 – expulsion 15 Nov 1684, Tutor and Censor; BA 14 Feb 1655/6; MA 1658 (incorp. Cambridge 1663); MB 6 Feb 1674/5; adm. Gray’s Inn 10 Dec 1656; Secretary to Sir Walter Vane, Envoy to Elector of Brandenburg 1665-6; obtained royal dispensation to retain his Studentship at Christ Church, notwithstanding his failure to take orders, 14 Nov 1666; practised medicine; resident physician to Lord Ashley (afterwards 1st Earl of Shaftesbury) 1667; FRS 26 Nov 1668; Secretary to the Lords Proprietor of Carolina 1669 – Jun 1675; Secretary of Presentations to Lord Shaftesbury when Lord Chancellor in 1672-3; Secretary to Council of Trade Oct 1673 – Mar 1674/5; lived in France 1675-9; expelled from his Faculty Studentship 15 Nov 1684 for his supposed complicity in Shaftesbury’s plots; lived in Netherlands 1683-9; returned to England in Feb 1688/9; from spring 1691 lived mostly in retirement at the seat of Sir Francis Masham at Oates, Essex; a Commissioner of Appeals in Excise from 20 May 1689; member, Board of Trade 15 May 1696 – Jun 1700; his first letter on Toleration was published in 1689, his Essay concerning Human Understanding and his The Treatises of Government appeared in 1690, and his treatise On Education in 1693; called by J. S. Mill “the unquestioned founder of the analytic philosophy of mind”; his Collected Works were published in 1714; d. unm. 28 Oct 1704. DNB.

Rae, John Malcolm, 1931-2006
GB-2014-WSA-00007 · Person · 1931-2006

Son of Laurence John Rae, radiologist at the London Hospital, and Blodwen, d. of I. Williams of Wrexham; b. 20 Mar. 1931; ed. Bishop’s Stortford Coll. and Sidney Sussex Coll. Camb.; BA 1955, MA 1958; asst. master Harrow Sch. 1955-66; PhD (Lond.) 1965; HM Taunton Sch. 1966-70; succeeded as Head Master of the School Sept. 1970; Chairman Headmasters’ Conference 1977; retd. Mar. 1986; dir. Laura Ashley Foundn 1986-9, The Observer Ltd. 1986-, Portman Group 1989-; FRSA; a writer and columnist; m. 31 Dec. 1955 Daphne, d. of John Phimester Simpson of Edinburgh; died 16 Dec. 2006.

GB-2014-WSA-00009 · Person · 1825-1894

Son of James Smyth Scott QC (I), Dublin, Ireland, barrister, and Louisa, dau. of Hon. and Most Rev.Charles Brodrick DD, Archbishop of Cashel ; b. 18 Jan 1825 ; ed. Eton and Trinity Coll.Cambridge, adm.pens. 30 Sep 1842, matr.Mich.1844, scholar 1846 ; Pitt University Scholar 1847 ; Senior Classic, Senior Chancellor’s Medallist and 22nd Wrangler 1848 ; BA 1848 ; Le Bas Prize 1849 ; Member’s Prize 1850 ; MA 1851 ; BD 1860 ; DD 1867 ; Fellow, Trinity Coll. 1849-55 ; adm. Inner Temple 18 Nov 1848 ; ordained deacon 1854 (Ely), priest 1856 (Worcester) ; Head Master, Westminster School Sep 1855 – Aug 1883 ; Prebendary of St.Paul’s from 12 Feb 1873 ; Hon.Student, Christ Church, Oxford 1875 ; author, A letter to the Rt.Hon.Sir David Dundas on the position and prospects of Westminster School, 1861 (pamphlet) ; m. 19 Dec 1855 Susan Georgiana, youngest dau. of Edward Smyth, Norwich, banker (“a cold, austere, very cultivated woman”, Ethel Smyth, As Time went on, 110) ; d. 7 Dec 1894.

Jackson, Cyril, 1746-1819
GB-2014-WSA-00010 · Person · 1746-1819

JACKSON, CYRIL, eldest son of Cyril Jackson MD, York, and Judith, widow of William Rawson, Nidd Hall and Bradford, Yorks., and dau. of John Prescott, Halifax, Yorks., surgeon; bapt. 23 Jul 1746; adm. Manchester GS 1755; adm.; KS (Capt., aged 14) 1760; elected head to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1764, but went to Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 26 Jun 1764, Canoneer Student 22 Dec 1764 – void 16 Jun 1779, Librarian 1778; BA 1768; MA 1771; BD 1777; DD 1781; Sub-Preceptor to the two eldest sons of George III Apr 1771-6; ordained priest 2 Feb 1777 (York); Rector of Carlton in Lindrick, Notts., 4 Aug 1778 – Oct 1779; Preacher at Lincoln’s Inn May 1779-83; Canon of Christ Church, Oxford 5 Jun 1779 – Jul 1783, Dean 27 Jul 1783 – 1809; Prebendary of Southwell 1786-7; declined Bishopric of Oxford 1799 and Primacy of Ireland 1800; retired to Felpham, Sussex 1809; FRS 16 Jan 1772; Busby Trustee 8 May 1800; a distinguished scholar and mathematician, with a dignified presence, and a strong and charming personality, who devoted himself heart and soul to the welfare of his college; his gold-headed cane, which he used to carry, was carefully preserved at the School, and used by the actors in the Latin Plays; d. unm. 31 Aug 1819. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-00011 · Person · 1878-1966

Son of Robert William Costley-White and Jessie Maria, d. of Thomas Arnold Marten JP, of Swansea; b. 9 Nov. 1878; ed. Malvern Coll. and Balliol Coll. Oxf. (schol.); BA 190 l , MA 1904, DD 1924; ord. priest 1903; asst master Sherborne Sch. 1901-3, Rugby Sch. 1903-10 and 1915-7; HM Bradfield Coll. 1910-4, Principal Liverpool Coll. 1917-9; succeeded as Head Master of the School Sept. 1919, retd Mar. 1937; Canon of Westminster 1936-8; Dean of Gloucester 1938-53; Select Preacher Camb. Univ. 1927 and 1938, Oxf. Univ. 1929-31; Chaplain to H M the King 1932-8; m. 3 Jan. 1913 Constance Hope Hewetson Guest, d. of Sir Alfred Washington Guest Ranger Kt, of South Crovdon, Surrev; died 5 Apr. 1966.

GB-2014-WSA-00012 · Person · 1899-1980

Son of Charles Henry Fehler Christie DLJP, of Ongar, Essex, and Margaret Eleanor, d. of Rev. Charles Samuel Palmer, Canon of Hereford; b. 19 Oct. 1899; ed. Winchester Coll. (schol.) and Trinity Coll. Oxf. (schol.); BA 1922 (1st class Hons Lit. Hum.), MA 1928; asst master Rugby Sch. 1922-8; Fellow and Tutor Magd. Coll. Oxf. 1928-32; HM Repton Sch. 1932-7; succeeded as Head Master of the School Apr. 1937; presided over the six years of evacuation during WW2 at Lancing, Exeter, and Bromyard, Herefordshire; retd 1950; Principal of Jesus Coll. Oxf. 1950-67, Hon. Fellow 1967; taught Classics at the School 1967-9; m. 1933 Lucie Catherine, d. of Thomas Philip Le Fanu CB, of Bray, Ireland; died 8 Sept. 1980.

Vincent, William, 1739-1815
GB-2014-WSA-00013 · Person · 1739-1815

VINCENT, WILLIAM, fifth surviving son of Giles Vincent, Lime Street Ward, London, packer and Portugal merchant, and Sarah, dau. of Francis Holloway, Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire; nephew of Richard Vincent (QS 1708, qv); b. 2 Nov 1739; adm. Sep 1748 (Hutton's); KS 1753; elected to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1757, adm. pens. 9 Jun 1757, scholar 21 Apr 1758, matr. 1758; BA 1761; MA 1764; BD and DD 1776; Usher at the School 1762-71, Under Master 28 May 1771-88, Head Master 1788-1802; ordained deacon (Norwich, lit. dim. from Rochester) 19 Dec 1763, priest (London) 22 Sep 1765; Vicar of Longdon, Worcs., 1778; Rector of All Hallows the Great, London 17 Dec 1778-1803; Chaplain in Ordinary to George III (occurs 1778-93), Sub-Almoner 28 Nov 1783 - Feb 1808; Dean of Westminster from 7 Aug 1802; Prolocutor, Lower House of Convocation 1802, 1806, 1807; Rector of St. John’s, Westminster 28 May 1803 - Jan 1807; Rector of Islip, Oxfordshire, from 31 Jan 1807; one of the soundest scholars of his day, although he resembled Busby in his love for the rod; when Dean of Westminster obtained an annual grant from Parliament for the restoration of Henry VII’s Chapel; his name is perpetuated by Vincent Square, preserved through his influence as playing fields for the School; Busby Trustee 22 Apr 1790; author, Defence of Public Education, 1801, and of a number of highly regarded works on ancient geography and other subjects; m. 15 Aug 1771 Hannah, fourth dau. of George Wyatt, Chief Clerk of Vote Office, House of Commons; d. 21 Dec 1815. Buried St. Benedict’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey (monument facing Poets’ Corner, with inscription composed by himself). DNB.