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Historia Josephi patriarchae ex Alcorano. . arab. et lat. . ed. Th. Erpenius
Historia Josephi patriarchae ex Alcorano. . arab. et lat. . ed. Th. Erpenius
Specimen historae Arabum . . arab et lat
Specimen historae Arabum . . arab et lat
Tables of Arabic verbs
Tables of Arabic verbs
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Micrographia restaurata : or, the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope, reprinted and fully explained: whereby the most valuable particulars in that celebrated author's Micrographia are brought together in a narrow compass.
Rabdologiæ, seu Numerationis per virgulas libri duo: cum appendice de expeditissimo multiplicationis promptuario. Quibus accessit & arithmeticæ localis liber vnus. Authore & inventore Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
Rabdologiæ, seu Numerationis per virgulas libri duo: cum appendice de expeditissimo multiplicationis promptuario. Quibus accessit & arithmeticæ localis liber vnus. Authore & inventore Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
The grounde of artes: teachinge the worke and practise of arithmetike, both in whole numbres and fractions, after a more easyer and exacter sorte then any like hath hitherto been sette forthe. Made by M. Robert Recorde doctor of physik, and now of late ouerseen and augmented with new and necessary additions.
The grounde of artes: teachinge the worke and practise of arithmetike, both in whole numbres and fractions, after a more easyer and exacter sorte then any like hath hitherto been sette forthe. Made by M. Robert Recorde doctor of physik, and now of late ouerseen and augmented with new and necessary additions.
An institution trigonometricall. VVherin demonstratively and perspicuously is exhibited the doctrine of the dimension of plane and sphericall triangles after the most exact and compendious way by tables both of sines, tangents, secants; and logarithmes. By Henry Gellibrand professor of astronomy in Gresham Colledge.
An institution trigonometricall. VVherin demonstratively and perspicuously is exhibited the doctrine of the dimension of plane and sphericall triangles after the most exact and compendious way by tables both of sines, tangents, secants; and logarithmes. By Henry Gellibrand professor of astronomy in Gresham Colledge.
Alæ seu scalæ mathematicæ, quibus visibilium remotissima cœlorum theatra conscendi, & planetarum omnium itinera nouis & inauditis methodis explorari: tùm huius portentosi syderis in mundi boreali plaga insolito fulgore coruscantis, distantia, & magnitudo immensa, situsq́[ue] protinùs tremendus indagari, Deiq́[ue] stupendum ostentum, terricolis expositum, cognosci liquidissimè possit. Thoma Diggeseo, Cantiensi, stemmatis generosi, authore.
Alæ seu scalæ mathematicæ, quibus visibilium remotissima cœlorum theatra conscendi, & planetarum omnium itinera nouis & inauditis methodis explorari: tùm huius portentosi syderis in mundi boreali plaga insolito fulgore coruscantis, distantia, & magnitudo immensa, situsq́[ue] protinùs tremendus indagari, Deiq́[ue] stupendum ostentum, terricolis expositum, cognosci liquidissimè possit. Thoma Diggeseo, Cantiensi, stemmatis generosi, authore.
The circles of proportion and the horizontall instrument. Both invented, and the vses of both written in Latine by Mr. W.O. Translated into English: and set forth for the publique benefit by William Forster.
The circles of proportion and the horizontall instrument. Both invented, and the vses of both written in Latine by Mr. W.O. Translated into English: and set forth for the publique benefit by William Forster.
A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motions. By Marke Ridley Dr in phisicke and philosophie latly physition to the Emperour of Russia, and one of ye eight principals of elects of the Colledge of Physitions in London.
A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motions. By Marke Ridley Dr in phisicke and philosophie latly physition to the Emperour of Russia, and one of ye eight principals of elects of the Colledge of Physitions in London.