Half-length portrait; subject is turned to the left, wearing black academic dress; whiskers.
139 Catalogue Description results for Portraits
Pupil in the top hat and dark suit of a Town Boy, standing in Little Dean's Yard. Irene Begbie-Ellissen was the mother of Francis Lyon Gordon Ellissen (AHH 1932-1935).
Begbie-Ellissen, Irene, 1888-1982Head, semi-profile, wearing a grey jumper and tie
Half length, turned to the left, with his hands rested on a table; a piece of paper lies under his left hand; to the left is a pile of books the top one having traced of gilding on the binding; Nowell wears ecclesiastical dress and a wide brimmed hat; a fishing rod sits above him. The painting bears a coat of arms and extensive inscriptions begining 'Alexander Nowellus Sacra Theol...'
Half-length portrait on a much reduced scale; Abbott is turned to the right; he wears a white cravat and black coat; the background is grey; framed in an oval. Marked on back "Anna Tonelli" "Fece in Londra 1794" and "Charles Abbot 1st Lord Colchester". Charles Abbot 1st Lord Colchester would have been in his 40s at the time of painting so it is likely that either the artist or sitter is mis-attributed.
Tonelli, Anna, 1763-1846Pencil and gouache on paper, an oval portrait; Abbot as Scholar in the Second Election; he faces towards the left, wearing a blue suit.
Downman, John, 1750-1824Marble bust; head and shoulders; his head is turned slightly to the left; wears classical dress.
Gibson, John, 1790-1866Rectangular miniature on ivory; Abbott is turned slightly to the right of the picture; he wears a black waistcoat, white blouse and cravat; to his right a pilaster column; to the left a brown curtain; he sits on a red chair. Inscribed top right:
Thomson, William John